webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Deployable Assets | Integration Server Assets | Integration Server Package Assets | Global Values for Integration Server Package Assets and Composites
Global Values for Integration Server Package Assets and Composites
The following table lists the global values you can export for Integration Server packages.
Activate Package on Install
(activatePkgOn Install)
Specifies whether you want the Integration Server to activate the package immediately upon installation.
*True indicates that you want the server to activate the package after it is installed.
*False indicates that you do not want the server to activate the package after it is installed.
The default value is True.
Archive Package on Install
(archivePkgOn Install)
Specifies whether you want Integration Server to archive the package automatically after installation.
*True indicates that you want the server to archive the package automatically after it is installed.
*False indicates that you do not want the server to archive the package after it is installed.
The default value is True.
Compile Package on Install (compilePackage)
Specifies whether you want Integration Server to compile the package automatically after installation.
*True indicates that you want the server to compile the package automatically after it is installed.
*False indicates that you do not want the server to compile the package after it is installed.
The default value is True.
Disallow Active Package Install
(disallowActive PackageInstall)
Specifies whether you want to prevent deployment if the package being deployed is in an active state on the target Integration Server.
*True indicates that you want to prevent the server from continuing deployment when the package being deployed is in an active state on the target Integration Server.
*False indicates that you want the server to continue deployment regardless of whether the package is active on the target Integration Server.
The default value is False.
Fragment Package on Install
Specifies whether you want Integration Server to perform a fragmentation step during the compilation of a package. The fragmentation step creates new node.ndf files for any Java services contained in the package. Omitting this step retains the node.ndf files that were copied from the source server, thereby preserving custom settings defined in those files.
*True indicates that you want to allow the server to perform the fragmentation step and overwrite a package’s node.ndf files when the package is compiled on the target server.
*False indicates that you want the server to omit the fragmentation step and retain the node.ndf files that were copied from the source server when the package is compiled on the target server.
The default value is True.
Package Execution Check
(package ExecutionCheck)
Specifies the length of time (in milliseconds) Deployer should wait if a service contained in the package being deployed is being executed on the target Integration Server. If this time expires and a service is still being executed, Deployer terminates the deployment job. The default value for this parameter is 0, which disables this feature.
Note: In some cases, this parameter can override disallowActivePackageInstall. For example, if disallowActivePackageInstall is set to False and packageExecutionCheck is set to a value other than 0, Integration Server can terminate the deployment job even though disallowActivePackageInstall would otherwise allow deployment to succeed.
Suspend Triggers During Deployment
(suspend TriggersDuring Deploy)
Specifies whether you want Integration Server to suspend existing triggers before updating them with the deployment.
*True indicates that you want the server to suspend existing triggers before deployment.
*False indicates that you do not want the server to suspend the triggers.
The default value is False.
Synchronize Document Types To Broker During Deployment
(syncDocTypesTo Broker)
Specifies whether Integration Server should synchronize the publishable document types in the source package with document types on the Brokers that are connected to the target Integration Server.
*True indicates that you want Integration Server to synchronize publishable document types in the target server with the connected Brokers during deployment.
*False indicates that you do not want Integration Server to synchronize publishable document types in the target server with the connected Brokers during deployment.
The default value is True.
Note: The target Integration Server must be connected to a Broker at deployment time for synchronization to occur. If the connected Broker is not available, publishable document types are not synchronized for the Integration Server to which the Broker is connected. Deployer writes a message to that effect to the deployment report.
Clear ACLs after deployment
Specifies whether to reset ACLs on the assets during deployment.
*True indicates that Integration Server will remove any ACLs that are set for the assets.
*False (the default) indicates that Integration Server should not remove any existing ACLs for the assets.

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