webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Deployable Assets | Integration Server Assets | Integration Server Administrative Assets | Integration Server Administrative Asset Dependencies
Integration Server Administrative Asset Dependencies
The following table lists the dependent assets and the reference assets that you must include in a deployment set before you can deploy the dependent asset:
Client certificate
Note: Default users (for example, Administrator) are not listed as dependencies.
CloudStreams Administration DatabaseConfig
JDBC pool associated with the CloudStreams JDBC Function.
CloudStreams Streaming Providers
OAuth alias identified by the Alias field when Authentication Type is configured as OAuth 1.0 or OAuth 2.0, IS service identified by the ESB Service Name field when Authentication Type is configured as ESB Callback, Truststore identified by the Truststore Alias field and keystore identified by the Keystore alias field.
CloudStreams Streaming Subscribers
Provider identified by the Provider field, IS service identified by the Service Name field, and user name identified by the Run As User field when Destination Type is configured as ESB Service.
CloudStreams Large Data Configuration
Integration Cloud Accounts
User name identified by the Run As User field.
Integration Cloud Applications
Integration Cloud accounts and Integration Server package assets
JDBC pool alias
JDBC driver alias
JDBC functional alias
JDBC driver alias
LDAP configuration
Note: Default groups are not listed as dependencies.
Remote server alias
Keystore alias, ACL
Note: Default ACLs (for example, Anonymous) are not listed, and the local remote server alias is not extracted.
SAML token issuer
Truststore alias
URL alias
IS package
Web service endpoint alias
Keystore alias, truststore alias, JMS trigger name (provider JMS), proxy alias (consumer HTTP and HTTPS), keystore alias (consumer HTTPS), JNDI alias (consumer JMS), JMS alias (consumer JMS), web service endpoint alias (provider HTTP, HTTPS, and JMS)

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