webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Deployable Assets | Integration Server Assets | Integration Server Administrative Assets | Integration Server Administrative Assets and Substitution Values | SFTP User Alias
SFTP User Alias
Asset Type ID
Substitution Values
User Name
User name for the SFTP user account.
Authentication Type
authentication Type
The type of authentication that Integration Server uses to authenticate itself to the SFTP server. Client authentication type can be either password or publicKey.
Password for the specified user to connect to the SFTP server if you are using password authentication.
Passphrase for the private key file of the specified user if you are using public key authentication and if the private key you specified requires a passphrase.
Private Key Location
privateKeyFile Location
The location of the private key file of the specified SFTP user if you are using public key authentication. Integration Server populates this field with the private key file of the source Integration Server. You can change the value of this field to specify a different private key file for deployment.
Maximum Retries
The number of times Integration Server attempts to connect to the SFTP server. The maximum allowed value is 6. The minimum allowed value is 1. The default is 6 retries.
Connection Timeout
connection Timeout
The amount of time (measured in seconds) Integration Server waits for a response from the SFTP server before timing out and terminating the request. The default is 0, which indicates that the session will never time out.
Session Timeout
The number of minutes you want Integration Server to wait before terminating an idle session. The default is 10 minutes.
Specifies whether or not to compress the data to reduce the amount of data that is transmitted. Integration Server supports compression using the compression algorithm zlib.
*zlib indicates that you want to compress the data that is transmitted between the SFTP server and Integration Server.
*none indicates that you do not want to compress the data.
Note: You can use compression only if the SFTP server that you are connecting to supports compression.
Compression Level
compression Level
The compression level to use if you specified the compression algorithm zlib for the Compression property. The minimum allowed value is 1 (fast, less compression). The maximum allowed value is 6 (slow, most compression). The default is 6.
SFTP Server Alias
sftpServer Alias
The alias of the SFTP server to which you want the user specified using the User Name property to connect.

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