webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Deployable Assets | Integration Server Assets | Integration Server Administrative Assets | Integration Server Administrative Assets and Substitution Values | Scheduled Tasks
Scheduled Tasks
Asset Type ID
Substitution Values
Run as User
User name the target servers will use when running the service.
The target servers run the service as if the user you specify is the authenticated user that invoked the service. If the service is governed by an ACL, be sure to specify a user that is allowed to invoke the service.
Cluster Target Node
Specifies whether you want the task to run on other target servers in the cluster.
*Any server indicates that you want the task to run on only one server in the cluster, and it does not matter which one.
*All servers indicates that you want the task to run on all servers in the cluster.
*Enter a specific server name in the cluster if the task needs to run on only a specific server.
Note: To use this parameter, the source server must be enabled for clustering and the target servers must belong to a cluster.
Suspend During Deployment
suspendDuring Deploy
Specifies whether you want to suspend the existing task during deployment.
*True indicates that you want to suspend the task during deployment.
*False indicates that you want the task to run as scheduled during deployment.
*None indicates that you want to use the global value specified on the Deployment Map Properties > Configure Builds by Assets screen and by the Suspend tasks during deployment value in the project map file. The default value is None.
Activate after deployment
activateAfter Deploy
Specifies whether you want to activate the existing task after deployment.
*True indicates that you want the task to activate after deployment.
*False indicates that you want the task to suspend after deployment.
*None indicates that you want to use the global value specified on the Deployment Map Properties > Configure Builds by Assets screen and by the Activate tasks after deployment value in the project map file.
The default value is True if the scheduled task is active (not suspended) on the source server. The default is False if the scheduled task is suspended on the source server.

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