webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Deployable Assets | Integration Server Assets | Integration Server Administrative Assets | Global Values for Integration Server Administrative Assets
Global Values for Integration Server Administrative Assets
The following table lists the global administrative assets and substitution values for each that Integration Server supports for deployment. The assets presented in the table are deployed as assets within the isconfiguration composite.
Asset Type ID
Substitution Values
Cache manager
Reload Cache Managers After Deployment (reloadCacheManagersAfterDeployment)
Specifies whether the cache managers on the target servers are started after deployment.
*True starts the cache manager on the target servers after deployment. If the cache manager is already in the start state on the target Integration Server, a value of True will restart the cache manager with the new configuration.
*False does not start the cache manager on the target servers after deployment. If the cache manager is already in the start state on the target Integration Server, a value of False will not restart the cache manager.
*None uses the value specified at the cache manager level Reload property. If the Reload property of the cache manager has the value None, cache manager is not started after deployment.
If the cache manager is in a start state on the target Integration Server, a value of None will not restart the cache manager. If the cache manager is in a shutdown state on target Integration Server, the cache manager will not be started.
The default is None.
Note: Integration Server deploys a cache manager that uses BigMemory or Terracotta Server Array only if you have the appropriate Terracotta and Integration Server licenses. For more information about licenses, see webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide.
Enable Ports After Deployment (enablePortsAfterDeploy)
Specifies whether the ports on the target servers are enabled after deployment.
*True enables the port on the target servers after deployment.
*False disables the port on the target servers after deployment.
*None uses the value specified at the port level Enable property. The default is None.
Scheduled task
Suspend tasks during deployment (suspendTasksDuringDeploy)
Specifies whether you want to suspend all scheduled tasks during deployment.
*True indicates that you want to suspend all tasks during deployment.
*False indicates that you want all tasks to run as scheduled during deployment.
*None indicates that you want use the value specified by the Suspend During Deployment value of each scheduled task asset. If the task has the value of None, no action is taken during deployment. The default value is None.
Activate tasks after deployment (activateTasksAfterDeploy)
Specifies whether you want to activate all scheduled tasks after deployment.
*True indicates that you want all tasks to activate after deployment.
*False indicates that you want all tasks to suspend after deployment.
*None indicates that you want use the value specified by the Activate After Deployment value from each scheduled task asset. If the task has the value of None, no action will be taken during deployment.

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