webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Deployable Assets | Integration Server Assets | Integration Server Administrative Assets | Integration Server Administrative Assets and Substitution Values | Reliable Messaging Configuration
Reliable Messaging Configuration
Asset Type ID
Substitution Values
Retransmission Interval
retransmission Interval
The time interval (in milliseconds) for which a reliable messaging source waits for an acknowledgement from the reliable messaging destination before the source retransmits the SOAP message.
Acknowledgement Interval
acknowledgement Interval
The time interval (in milliseconds) for which the reliable messaging destination waits before sending an acknowledgement for a message sequence. Messages of the same sequence received within the specified acknowledgement interval are acknowledged in one batch. If there are no other messages to be sent to the acknowledgement endpoint within the time specified as the acknowledgement interval, the acknowledgement is sent as a stand alone message.
Exponential Backoff
exponential Backoff
Whether to use the exponential backoff algorithm to adjust the retransmission interval of unacknowledged messages. Adjusting the time interval between retransmission attempts ensures that a reliable messaging destination does not get flooded with a large number of retransmitted messages.
*True specifies that the successive retransmission intervals must be increased exponentially, based on the specified retransmission interval. For example, if the specified retransmission interval is 2 seconds, and the exponential backoff value is set to true, successive retransmission intervals will be 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, and so on if messages continue to be unacknowledged.
*False specifies that the retransmission interval is not to be adjusted.
Inactivity Timeout
inactivity Timeout
The length of time for which a reliable messaging source waits for an acknowledgement from a reliable messaging destination before the source stops retransmitting the SOAP message.
If the reliable messaging source does not receive an acknowledgement within the inactivity timeout specified, it marks the sequence as timed out. You cannot use a sequence if it is timed out. To indicate that there is no inactivity timeout limit, set the value of Inactivity Timeout as -1.
Inactivity Timeout Interval
inactivity TimeoutMeasure
The unit of measure for the inactivity Timeout property. You can specify the unit of measurement as seconds, minutes, hours, or days. The default is 60 seconds.
Sequence Removal Timeout
sequenceRemoval Timeout
The length of time for which a reliable messaging source waits for an acknowledgement from a reliable messaging destination before it terminates the sequence and removes the sequence from the memory.
Sequence Removal Timeout Interval Measure
sequenceRemoval TimeoutMeasure
The unit of measure for the sequenceRemovalTimeout property. You can specify the unit of measurement as seconds, minutes, hours or days. The default is 60 seconds.
In-Order Delivery Assurance
Whether the messages in a sequence must be delivered to a reliable messaging destination in the same order in which they have been sent by the reliable messaging source.
*True specifies that the messages in a sequence must be delivered to the destination in the same order in which they have been sent. The order in which the messages are sent is indicated by the sequence key of each message. This is the default.
*False specifies that the delivery of messages in the same order in which they have been sent is not to be enforced.
Maximum Retransmission Count
maximum Retransmission Count
The number of times a reliable messaging source must retransmit a message if an acknowledgement is not received from the reliable messaging destination. The value must be an integer within the range of 1 and 256 (inclusive). The default is 10. To indicate that there is no limit to the number of retransmission attempts, set the value of Maximum Retransmission Count as -1.
Storage Type
Specifies whether Integration Server uses the persistent or non-persistent mode to store the reliable messaging sequence information.
*Non-Persistent specifies that the reliable messaging sequence information is stored in a non-persistent storage mode. When the Non-Persistent mode of storage is used, Integration Server relies on the on-heap memory for reliable messaging data storage. When Integration Server restarts, the reliable messaging information will be removed from memory. This is the default.
*Database specifies that the reliable messaging sequence information is stored in a persistent storage mode. When the Database mode of storage is used, Integration Server uses a database to store the reliable messaging information. All information related to reliable messaging sequences, including the essential routing and delivery information, is preserved across Integration Server restarts.
Housekeeping Interval (Seconds)
houseKeeping Interval
Specifies the time interval (in seconds) in which Integration Server sweeps the database to check for timed-out or terminated sequences.
The messages are timed out or terminated depending on the specified Inactivity Timeout and Sequence Removal Timeout values. Integration Server sweeps the database periodically based on the Housekeeping Interval and identifies and marks the messages that are timed out and removes the terminated messages if the sequenceRemovalTimeout interval is completed for the sequence.
The default is 20 seconds.

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