webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Deployable Assets | Integration Server Assets | Integration Server Administrative Assets | Integration Server Administrative Assets and Substitution Values | Proxy Server Bypass
Proxy Server Bypass
Asset Type ID
Substitution Values
The fully qualified host and domain name of each server to which you want the Integration Server to issue requests directly.
Type the host name and the domain name exactly as they appear in the URLs the server uses. To enter multiple names, separate each with commas.You can use the asterisk (*) to identify several servers with similar names. The asterisk matches any number of characters. For example, if you want to bypass requests made to localhost, www.yahoo.com, home.microsoft.com, and all hosts whose names begin with NYC, you would type:
localhost,www.yahoo.com,home.microsoft.com, NYC*.*

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