webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Deployable Assets | Integration Server Assets | Integration Server Administrative Assets | Integration Server Administrative Assets and Substitution Values | Ports
Asset Type ID
Substitution Values
General values for all ports (email, file polling, FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, and quiesce):
Note: Deployer extracts the Ports asset from the package in which the port is configured. Make sure this package resides in the source folder before extracting the asset.
Package Name
The package name you want to associate with the port on the target servers.
If the port is used as the quiesce port, the port alias should be associated with either the WmRoot or WmPublic package.
Enable (enable
Specifies whether the port on the target servers are enabled or disabled after deployment.
*True enables the port on the target servers after deployment.
*False indicates that you do not want the port enabled on the target servers after deployment.
*None indicates that you want to use the global value specified by the deployment options on the Deployment Map Properties > Configure Builds by Assets screen and by the Enable Ports After Deployment value in the project map file.
A comma delimited list that specifies the hosts allowed or not allowed to connect to the target servers through this port.
Note: If the Access Mode is Global, the host list is ignored. If the Access Mode is Allow, the host list represents the hosts that are denied access to the port. If the Access Mode is Deny, the host list represents the hosts that are allowed access to the port.
IP access type
Specify the access type of host that is allowed to connect to the target servers through this port.
*Allow indicates that you want Integration Server to allow access by default and to deny the hosts specified in the hosts list.
*Deny indicates that you want Integration Server to deny access by default and allow only hosts specified in the host list.
*Global indicates that you want to use the global access settings specified on Integration Server.
For detailed information about IP access types and controlling IP access, see webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide.
Email port:
Host Name
The name of the machine on which the POP3 or IMAP server runs.
(Optional.) The port on the e-mail server to which the target servers can connect.
User Name
A user name that identifies the target servers to the e-mail server.
The password associated with the user name that identifies the target servers to the e-mail server.
Run services as user
The user name you want the target servers to use when running the service.
The target servers run the service as if the user you specify is the authenticated user that invoked the service. If the service is governed by an ACL, be sure to specify a user that is allowed to invoke the service.
File polling port:
Monitor Directory
The directory on the target servers that you want to monitor for files.
Working Directory
(Optional.) The directory on the target servers to which the servers should move files for processing after they have been identified in the Monitoring Directory. Files must meet age and file name requirements before being moved to the Working Directory.
Completion Directory
(Optional.) The directory on the target servers to which you want files moved when processing is completed in the Monitoring Directory or Working Directory.
Error Directory
The directory on the target servers to which you want files moved when processing fails.
Enable Clustering
Specifies whether the target servers should allow clustering in the Monitoring Directory.
*Yes indicates that you want the target servers to allow clustering in the Monitoring Directory.
*No indicates that you do not want the target servers to allow clustering in the Monitoring Directory.
Run Services as User
The user name you want the target servers to use when running the service.
The target servers run the service as if the user you specify is the authenticated user that invoked the service. If the service is governed by an ACL, be sure to specify a user that is allowed to invoke the service.
Directories are NFS mounted file system
For use on a UNIX system where the monitoring directory, working directory, completion directory, and/or error directory are network drives mounted on the local file system.
*No indicates that you want the listener to call the Java File.renameTo() method and move the files from the monitoring directory to the working directory, and from the working directory to the completion and/or error directory. This is the default.
*Yes indicates that you want the listener to first call the Java File.renameTo() method to move the files from the monitoring directory. If this method fails, the listener will copy the files from the monitoring directory to the working directory and delete the files from the monitoring directory. This operation will fail if either the copy action or the delete action fails. The same behavior applies when moving files from the working directory to the completion and/or error directory.
FTP port:
The port number you want to use for the FTP port on the target servers. Select a number that is not already in use on the target servers.
Bind address
(Optional.) IP address to which to bind this port. Specify the substitute bind address if the target servers have multiple IP addresses and you want the port to use this specific address.
FTPS port:
The port number you want to use for the FTPS port on the target servers. Select a number that is not already in use on the target servers.
Bind address
(Optional.) IP address to which to bind this port. Specify the substitute bind address if the target servers have multiple IP addresses and you want the port to use this specific address.
Secure Clients Only
Specify whether you want to prevent the FTPS listener from operating with non-secure clients.
*True prevents the FTPS listener from operating with non-secure clients.
*False allows the FTPS listener to operate with non-secure clients.
HTTP port and HTTPS port:
The port number you want to use for the HTTP port or HTTPS port on the target servers. Select a number that is not already in use on the target servers.
Bind address
(Optional.) IP address to which to bind this port. Specify the substitute bind address if the target servers have multiple IP addresses and you want the port to use this specific address.
Quiesce port:
Quiesce Port
The Integration Server port to use as the quiesce port on the target servers.
Note: Ensure that the port alias is associated with either the WmRoot or the WmPublic package and is of type HTTP or HTTPS.

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