webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Deployable Assets | Integration Server Assets | Integration Server Administrative Assets | Integration Server Administrative Assets and Substitution Values | JMS Connection Alias
JMS Connection Alias
Asset Type ID
Substitution Values
General Settings:
Connection Client ID
The JMS client identifier associated with the connections established by this JMS connection alias.
User name required to acquire a connection from the connection factory.
Password required to acquire a connection from the connection factory.
JNDI Connection Protocol Settings:
JNDI Provider Alias Name
jndi_jndiAlias Name
Alias name of the JNDI provider.
JNDI Connection Factory Lookup Name
jndi_ connection FactoryLookup Name
Lookup name that the connection factory uses to create a connection to the JNDI provider.
Automatically Create Administered Objects
Whether Integration Server creates administered objects in the JNDI namespace and on Universal Messaging if the object is not found when Integration Server looks up the object. This applies only when Universal Messagingis the JMS provider and JNDI provider.
*True indicates that Integration Server creates a destination or connection factory when a JNDI lookup for the object fails.
*False indicates that Integration Server does not create missing administered objects. This is the default.
Native webMethods Connection Protocol Settings:
Broker Host
Name (DNSname:port or ipaddress:port) of the machine on which the Broker Server resides.
Broker Name
Name of the Broker as defined on the Broker Server.
Client Group
nwm_client Group
Name of the client group that you want the target Integration Server to use when it acts as a JMS client.
Broker List
Comma delimited list of Broker Servers on which the connection between the target Integration Server (acting as the JMS client) and the webMethods Broker (acting as a JMS provider) can exist.
The full path to the target Integration Server’s keystore file.
Full path to target Integration Server client's truststore file.

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