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CloudStreams OAuth Tokens
Asset Type ID
Substitution Values
Consumer ID
The key issued by the service provider and is used by the consumer to identify itself to the service provider.
Consumer Secret
The secret key used by the consumer to establish ownership of the consumer key.
Access Token
The token used for authentication instead of user credentials. This token is issued by the Authorization Server.
Access Token Secret
A secret used by the consumer to establish ownership of a given access token. This is available only for OAuth 1.0a configured at source.
Instance URL
Runtime host, for back ends like Salesforce. This is available only for OAuth 2.0 configured at source.
Refresh Token
A token used by the client to obtain a new access token without having to involve the resource owner. This is available only for OAuth 2.0 if Refresh Access Token is enabled at source.
Refresh URL
Provider specific URL to refresh an access token. This is available only for OAuth 2.0 if Refresh Access Token is enabled at source.
Custom Refresh Service
User implemented service for refreshing the access token. This is available only for OAuth 2.0 if Refresh Access Token is enabled and Refresh URL Request is configured to Custom ESB Service at source.

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