webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Deployable Assets | Integration Server Assets | Integration Server Administrative Assets | Integration Server Administrative Assets and Substitution Values | CloudStreams Streaming Providers
CloudStreams Streaming Providers
Asset Type ID
Substitution Values
Client Type
The type of client CloudStreams will use to provide the streaming functionality. The supported types are as follows:
*Comet - This is a client implementation that uses the Bayeux HTTP protocol (using the CometD library) to communicate with the streaming service.
*HTTP - An HTTP client type is used for HTTP-based streaming service providers that use a long-lived HTTP connection to send data periodically to the client connected to them.
API Version
The version of the streaming API supported by the provider service.
API Endpoint
The endpoint of the streaming provider.
Connection Timeout
The streaming connection timeout value in milliseconds.
Read Timeout
The maximum time in milliseconds before which a data packet must be read from the endpoint before a timeout occurs.
SSL Truststore Alias
The Integration Server truststore alias to use if the endpoint is SSL based and the provider certificate must be validated as part of the SSL handshake.
SSL Keystore Alias
The Integration Server keystore alias to use if the endpoint is SSL-based and the CloudStreams certificate must be provided to the server endpoint as part of the SSL handshake.
Validate SSL Certificate
Configuration to enable validation of the provider's certificate for the SSL handshake.
*true - Enables validation of the provider's certificate.
*false - Disables validation of the provider's certificate.
Basic Authentication Username
The username for HTTP Basic authentication. This is available only if Authentication Type is configured as Basic at source.
Basic Authentication Password
The password for HTTP Basic authentication. This is available only if Authentication Type is configured as Basic at source.
OAuth Alias
The OAuth 1.0a or OAuth 2.0 alias. This is available only if Authentication Type is configured as OAuth 1.0 or OAuth 2.0 at source.
Authentication ESB Service
User-defined ESB service which provides value for the Authorization header. This is available only if Authentication Type is configured as ESB Callback at source.

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