webMethods Deployer 10.3 | webMethods Deployer Documentation 10.3 | Deployable Assets | Integration Server Assets | Integration Server Administrative Assets | Integration Server Administrative Assets and Substitution Values | CloudStreams Streaming Subscribers
CloudStreams Streaming Subscribers
Asset Type ID
Substitution Values
Provider Name
One of the configured streaming providers.
Channel Endpoint
The topic/channel name or the endpoint address for the subscription request.
HTTP Content Type
The HTTP Content-Type header value. Applicable only if the Streaming Providers Client Type field is set to HTTP at source.
HTTP Method
The HTTP method to use for the streaming request made to the service provider. Applicable only if the Streaming Providers Client Type field is set to HTTP at source.
HTTP Request Body
The optional request entity or message contents to send to the service endpoint. Applicable only for the POST, PUT, OPTIONS, and PATCH HTTP methods and if the Streaming Providers Client Type field is set to HTTP at source.
${Header Name} Header Value
${Header Name}
Value for the HTTP header ${Header Name} to be sent to the service endpoint. Applicable only if the Streaming Providers Client Type field is set to HTTP at source.
ESB Service Name
Integration Server service that will be invoked when a streaming notification is received from the provider. Available only if Destination Type is selected as ESB Service at source.
Run ESB Service as User
The user name, Integration Server should use when running the ESB Service. Available only if Destination Type is selected as ESB Service at source.
Journal Log Level
The Integration Server journal log to which the streaming subscription response contents will be logged when a notification is received from the provider. Available only if Destination Type is selected as Journal Log at source.

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