Deployer 10.11 | Product Build Properties and Supported Assets for Repository-Based Deployment | API Gateway | API Gateway-Specific Build Properties
API Gateway-Specific Build Properties
When building composites from the API Gateway assets, set the following API Gateway-specific properties in the master_build/ file. Do not save clear text password values in the file. Specify the values of the passwords as command line arguments when running the build script.
When a property has a default value, the default is included in the property description.
Optional. Indicates whether to create only a local repository, or create an asset repository as per the ABE requirements. The property can be useful in a DevOps scenario to compare assets in a Version Control System (VCS). Valid values:
*true - build only a local repository
*false - build a repository following the ABE requirements
Default: false
Required. Based on the value of apigateway.buildLocalRepoOnly, set this property as follows:
*If apigateway.buildLocalRepoOnly=true, specify the directory of the VCS.
*If apigateway.buildLocalRepoOnly=false, specify the root directory in which the build script will place the output (composites and descriptors) of the build. This directory path will also get included in the build index.
Optional. Indicates whether the build script will use the location specified in apigateway.repo.localRepo.path to create the repository as per the ABE requirements. Valid values:
*true - use the location in apigateway.repo.localRepo.path. When you set the createFromLocalRepo property to true, make sure that apigateway.buildLocalRepoOnly=false
*false - do not use the location in apigateway.repo.localRepo.path.
Default: false
Required only when apigateway.repo.createFromLocalRepo=true. The path to the local working copy of the VCS (or another directory on the local file system), from which the build scrip will create the repository as per the ABE requirements.
Required only when apigateway.repo.createFromLocalRepo=false. List the assets to export from the source API Gateway and build into composites. Valid values are: ["ASSERTION", "APPLICATION", "API", "ALIAS", "POLICY", "POLICY_ACTION", "PLAN", "PACKAGE", "ADMINISTRATOR_SETTING", "PORTAL_GATEWAY", "SUBSCRIPTION"]. The property points to a JSON file that contains the JSON payload for the specified assets. For samples of JSON payloads that you can use in different scenarios, see JSON Payload Samples.
Default: * (exports and builds all assets from the source API Gateway)
Required only when apigateway.repo.createFromLocalRepo=false. The URL of the Integration Server that hosts API Gateway.
Required only when apigateway.repo.createFromLocalRepo=false. The name of a user account that can access the target API Gateway Server. Make sure that the user you specify here is assigned to an API Gateway group that has import and export assets access privileges.
Required only when apigateway.repo.createFromLocalRepo=false. The password of the user account you specified in
Required only when communicating with the source API Gateway over SSL. The fully qualified path to the keystore file location.
Required only to communicate over SSL. The type of the keystore.
Default: JKS
Required only to communicate over SSL. The password to use for the specified keystore file.
Required only to communicate over SSL. The key alias from the specified keystore file.
Required only to communicate over SSL. The password of the specified key alias.
Optional. The logging level of the ABE build script.
Default: OFF