Deployer 10.11 | Product Build Properties and Supported Assets for Repository-Based Deployment | API Gateway | JSON Payload Samples
JSON Payload Samples
The following sections include JSON payload samples that you can use for an asset type.
All Asset Types
Export all API Gateway assets:
API Assets
*Export all APIs and the application.
"types": [
*Export all APIs without the registered application.
"types": [
"includeOptions": {
"includeApplications": false
*Export only the APIs that contain API Gateway in their name.
"types": [
"scope": [
"attributeName": "apiName",
"keyword": ".*API Gateway.*"
"includeOptions": {
"includeApplications": false
*Export only the APIs with the specified IDs.
"types": [
"scope": [
"attributeName" : "id",
"keyword": "1c36033a-ecb6-41ce-ad66-bada5cebe85e|8d505388-5524-4df5-bd3c-62c4bb5f41d0"
"includeOptions": {
"includeApplications": true
*Export the APIs with names that start with API Gateway and contain "search" in the description.
"types": [
"scope": [
"attributeName": "apiName",
"keyword": "API Gateway.*"
"attributeName": "apiDescription",
"keyword": ".*search.*"
"condition": "and",
"includeOptions": {
"includeApplications": false
Policy Assets
*Export all policies, including the global policy and threat protection rules.
"types": [
*Export only global policies.
"types": [
"attributeName": "policyScope",
"keyword": "GLOBAL"
*Export the threat protection rules.
"types": [
"attributeName": "policyEnforcements.stageKey",
"keyword": "threatProtection"
*Export all policy actions, including the global denial of service and denial of service by IP threat protection rules.
"types": [
*Export all threat protection rules and policies.
"types": [
"attributeName": "policyEnforcements.stageKey",
"keyword": "threatProtection"
"attributeName": "id",
"keyword": "globalipdos|ipdos"
"condition": "or"
Alias Assets
Export all aliases.
"types": [
Application Assets
*Export all applications.
"types": [
*Export all applications without including the associated APIs.
"types": [
"includeOptions": {
"includeApis": false
Assertion Assets
Export all assertions.
"types": [
Plan Assets
Export all plans.
"types": [
Package Assets
*Export all packages and all dependent assets associated with the packages, such as:
dependent plans
associated APIs
registered applications
"types": [
*Export all packages with the subscriptions, but without the applications registered for the associated APIs.
"types": [
"includeOptions": {
"includeApis": false,
"includeApplications": false,
"includeSubscriptions": true
Subscription Assets
Export all subscriptions with the dependent packages, plans, and APIs.
"types": [
Administrator Setting Assets
Export all administrator settings.
"types": [
Portal Gateway Assets
Export the portal gateway destination.
"types": [