Software AG Products 10.7 | Integrating On-Premises and Cloud Applications | Integration Server Built-In Services | JMS Folder | Summary of Elements in This Folder | pub.jms.wmjms:sendStream
WmPublic. Deprecated - There is no replacement service.
Sends a large message stream to the webMethods Broker.
Input Parameters
String Name of the JMS connection alias that you want to use to send the message.
String Name or lookup name of the Destination to which you want to send the message. Specify the lookup name of the Destination object when the JMS connection alias uses JNDI to retrieve administered objects. Specify the provider-specific name of the Destination when the JMS connection alias uses the native webMethods API to connect directly to the webMethods Broker.
String. Optional. Type of destination to which you want to send the message. Specify one of the following:
*QUEUE to send the message to a particular receiver/queue. This is the default.
*TOPIC to send the message to a topic.
You need to specify a destinationType only if you specified a connectionAliasName that uses the native webMethods API.
Object A stream for the message you want to send to the webMethods Broker.
Output Parameters
Usage Notes
webMethods Broker is deprecated, resulting in the deprecation of the pub.jms.wmjms:sendStream service. There is no replacement service.
When using the webMethods Broker as the JMS provider, the webMethods message streaming feature allows you to stream large amounts of data or a large file from a message producer to a message consumer. You can only send and receive large messages from Integration Server when working with the webMethods Broker. For more information about how the webMethods message streaming feature works on the webMethods Broker, see the webMethods Broker Messaging Programmer’s Guide.
Large message streams cannot be sent or received as part of a transaction. If connectionAliasName specifies a JMS connection alias with a transaction type of LOCAL_TRANSACTION or XA_TRANSACTION, Integration Server throws the exception when it executes the pub.jms.wmjms:sendStream service.
If the connection between Integration Server and the webMethods Broker fails before the pub.jms.wmjms:sendStream sends the entire message stream, you need to re-send the entire stream when the connection is re-established.