Initial Widths and Heights for Column or Table Layouts
With column layouts, each column starts out with an equal percentage of the overall workspace width. If you add or delete columns, the width is adjusted automatically. See Add or Delete Rows and Columns to a Layout for more information.
You can set a default initial height for the apps and gadgets that you add to column layouts. Click Options in the Mashboard toolbar and set the Item Height property. This defaults to 300 pixels.
Table layouts for workspaces in version 3.5 or greater also use an equal percentage of the overall width and height of the workspace to define the width of columns and the height of rows. If you add or delete rows or columns, width and height is adjusted automatically. See Add or Delete Rows and Columns to a Layout for more information.
Note: Workspaces with table layouts from versions previous to 3.5 used a fixed height for each row. You can change this to use percentage sizing if desired. You can also choose to use this fixed height for new table layout workspaces. See Fixed Row Heights for Table Layouts for more information.