Working with JMS Triggers
A JMS trigger subscribes to destinations (queues or topics) on a JMS provider and then specifies how Integration Server processes messages the JMS trigger receives from those destinations. Integration Server and Designer support two types of JMS triggers:
Standard JMS triggers use routing rules to specify which services can process messages received by the trigger. The trigger service in the routing rule receives the entire JMS message as an IData.
SOAP- JMS triggers are used to receive JMS messages that contain SOAP messages. When a SOAP-JMS trigger receives a message,
Integration Server extracts the SOAP message from the JMS message and passes the SOAP message to the internal web services stack. The web services stack processes the message according to the web service descriptor specified in the SOAP-JMS request.
Note: WS endpoint triggers are SOAP-JMS triggers. However, WS endpoint triggers can be created and managed using Integration Server Administrator only. For more information about WS endpoint triggers, see webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide.
Standard JMS triggers and SOAP-JMS triggers can be transacted or non-transacted triggers. The transactionality of a JMS trigger along with the trigger type affect the properties and functionality that can be configured for the trigger.
Note: Information about using Integration Server for JMS is located in webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide, webMethods Service Development Help, and Using webMethods Integration Server to Build a Client for JMS.
webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide contains information about how to configure
Integration Server to work with a JMS provider, how to create a WS endpoint trigger, and how to manage JMS triggers at run time.
webMethods Service Development Help includes this
Working with JMS Triggers topic which provides procedures for using
Designer to create JMS triggers and set JMS trigger properties.
Using webMethods Integration Server to Build a Client for JMS contains information such as how to build services that send and receive JMS messages, how
Integration Server works with cluster policies when sending JMS messages, and detailed information regarding how
Integration Server performs exactly-once processing. For completeness,
Using webMethods Integration Server to Build a Client for JMS also includes the
Working with JMS Triggers topic that appears in
webMethods Service Development Help.