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About Setting Up the iOS Platform
Before you can use Mobile Designer to build applications for the iOS platform, you must set up your environment. The following table lists required and optional tasks to set up the environment.
Required or Optional
Development Environment
Install the Apple Xcode IDE and iOS SDK.
Perform setup for signing applications. To deploy applications to iOS devices, the applications must be signed.
For more information, see About Signing iOS Applications.
Mobile Designer Configuration
Update the Mobile Designer sdk.properties file to provide information about the iOS platform setup.
Use tools such as Proxifer to capture and re-direct messages sent over your Internet connect, inspect network traffic, and assist in debugging.
For information about Proxifier, see http://proxifier.com.
The procedures in this documentation do not cover all possible setups and scenarios. Refer to the Apple Developer website at https://developer.apple.com/devcenter/ios/index.action for further details.

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