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Configuring Mobile Designer for the iOS Platform
After installing the Apple Xcode IDE and setting up your environment for signing iOS applications, you can configure Mobile Designer to provide information about the iOS platform setup.
* To configure Mobile Designer for the iOS platform
1. Use a text editor to open the following file:
Mobile Designer_directory /sdk.properties
2. Locate the iOS section of the file.
3. Set the values for the properties in the following table.
Property and Setting
Set to the prefix to use for the CFBundleIdentifier.
The CFBundleIdentifier is a unique identifier for your application bundle. For the prefix, it is recommended that you use your company's domain name, with each portion in reverse order. For example, for the domain name mycompany.com, the recommended identifier is “com.mycompany”. An example of setting the property for this identifier is:
Note: It is important to include a trailing period to act as a separator when specifying the ios.bundle property. Mobile Designer appends your application's name directly to the ios.bundle value to create your application's unique CFBundleIdentifier. For example, for an application named “MyApp”, the name is "com.mycompany.MyApp".
Note: If you have several Xcode versions installed on your system and want to use a specific one, run the following command in the terminal:
sudo xcode-select -s path_to_Xcode.app/contents/Develop
4. Save and close the file.

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