webMethods Mobile Suite  | webMethods Mobile SuiteWeb Help | Using webMethods Mobile Designer | Creating Mobile Application Projects | Setting Properties and Parameters for a Mobile Application Project | Where You Set Properties
Where You Set Properties
Properties are generally set in the following files. When you set properties, be aware that when Mobile Designer builds a project, it obtains properties from the files in the order listed and uses the first setting it encounters for a property.
*Project-specific target device files (device_name.xml) that contain device-specific settings for devices that the project supports. For more information about target device files, see Devices that a Mobile Application Supports and Adding a Device to a Project.
Mobile Designer sets some properties in a target device file when you add a device to a project. You can change and/or add additional project properties. For instructions, see Setting Project Properties.
*Project-level _defaults_.xml file that contains default settings for all devices in a project.
To start a project, you typically clone an existing project. As a result, your project starts with the settings in the cloned project. You can change and/or add additional properties. For more information, see Setting Project Properties.
*If you want to override settings for your mobile application project, set project properties in the project’s target device files for the device. For instructions, see Setting Project Properties.
*The Mobile Designer sdk.properties contains default property settings that affect all projects. For more information, see Updating the sdk.properties File to Configure Mobile Designer and Mobile Designer Configuration Properties (sdk.properties).

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