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Updating the sdk.properties File to Configure Mobile Designer
The sdk.properties file is an ASCII text file that you can edit with any text editor. Update the sdk.properties file with name value pairs, using the following format:

Note: The sdk.properties file contains default values for some properties. If the value you need to specify for a property is a path, a best practice is to use the convention shown in the default unless you are working on a different operating system. For example, if a path uses c:\\a\\b\\c, it is best to specify the path using that notation rather than c:/a/b/c. Although both notations are technically correct, some third-party tools might encounter issues.
When updating Windows paths, use a forward slash character (/) or an escaped slash character (\\) in the properties file.
* To add or update properties in the sdk. properties file
1. Open the sdk.properties file in your Mobile Designer installation directory using a text editor.
2. Locate the property you want to update, or add a property if it does not already exist. For more information about the properties you can specify and valid values, see Mobile Designer Configuration Properties (sdk.properties).
3. Save and close the sdk.properties file.

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