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Setting Project Properties for the Resource Handler
The following table lists the resource handler project properties. The table specifies the properties you can set to provide details about the resource handler for your project. For instructions about how to set properties, see Where You Set Properties and Setting Project Properties. For further details about the properties, see Resource Handler Properties.
Property and Description
Required. Specifies the Java package/class name of the resource handler class.
Required. Specifies the location of your project’s resource handler script and any associated classes.
Required. Specifies the location of the resource files (image files, etc.) for your project.
Conditionally required. Specifies the location of classes that the resource handler requires. Required only if your resource handler requires additional classes.
Optional. Specifies whether you want the Mobile Designer to record the names of the resources included in the build rather than the resource IDs.
By default, the resource IDs are recorded, not the resource names.
Optional. Specifies whether you want the _compiled_resources file that Mobile Designer creates when it runs your resource handler to be in XML or text format. For more information, see Managing Memory for Your Resource Handler and Resources.
By default, Mobile Designer creates a .txt format file.

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