webMethods Mobile Suite  | webMethods Mobile SuiteWeb Help | Using webMethods Mobile Designer | Creating Mobile Application Projects | Defining Resources for a Mobile Application Project | About the Resource Handler
About the Resource Handler
Each project requires its own resource handler. Software AG recommend that you use the default UniversalResHandler implementation that Mobile Development provides. The goals of the resource handler are to:
*Define all the resources to include with your mobile application, such as texts and graphical assets.
*Set parameters that define the identifiers for resources, text lines, menus, and resource blocks. Mobile Designer includes the parameters in the Parameters.java. For more information about the Parameters class, see Application and Parameter Classes.
You can store single resource files that your project requires, for example image files and text files, in a location within your project’s folder. For more information, see Storing Resource Files for the Project. When adding resources with Mobile Development, the resource files are automatically stored in the proper location.
Mobile Development automatically sets up project properties for the resource handler, for example, to specify the name and location of the resource files. However, for debugging and testing purposes, you can set and modify these properties on your own as described in Setting Project Properties for the Resource Handler.
After defining the resources for your project, you can use the resources in your application code. For more information, see Accessing Resources in Your Application Code.

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