Software AG Products 10.11 | Using Developer Portal | Applications | How do I configure onboarding strategy to process application or subscription requests?
How do I configure onboarding strategy to process application or subscription requests?
This use case starts when you want to configure onboarding process to approve or reject the application or subscription registration requests.
Before you begin:
Ensure that you have:
*Configure an approval workflow. For information on configuring an approval workflow, see How do I configure an approval workflow to process an internal approval onboarding strategy?.
*API Administrator privilege.
*To configure onboarding strategy to process application or subscription requests
1. Click the menu options icon from the title bar and click Administration.
2. Select Onboarding.
3. From the Application/ subscription onboarding section, enable any or all of the required strategies:
*Internal approval. Select the required approval workflow from the Select a flow window that appears when you enable this strategy.
*External approval. Select this if you want to process the requests using an external approval system. You can notify the required external approving system by creating a webhook. For information on configuring user sign up notifications to your external approving system, see How do I configure webhooks to notify user sign up and application requests to an external approval system?.
4. Use the arrow keys next to these strategies to change their order. The strategies are followed by the order they appear.
5. Click Save.
The onboarding strategy to process application or subscription requests configuration is saved.
Next steps:
*Application and package subscription requests are processed based on the onboarding strategy.