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Performing Keyword Search for Deployment
The keyword search is an easy to use search facility in which you can specify arbitrary search patterns.
You can search for all Virtual Services that contain one or more specified keywords (text strings) in the Virtual Service's string attributes (Name, Description).
Here are some general guidelines:
*A keyword search consists of 1-n search keywords. Multiple keywords are space separated. If multiple keywords are given, a logical disjunction (OR) is implied.
*A keyword is treated as partial text which can occur at the beginning of the searched strings. The starts with semantics are implied.
Example: If the keyword is AustralianPostCode, then the following matches are returned: A sample VS for AustralianPostCode as well as AustralianPostCodeVService.
*If quotes (" ") exist around a phrase, then a search is performed on the exact phrase within the quotes. A space within a quoted phrase is considered as a space character and not as a logical operation. To force the keyword search to treat the quote characters as a normal character, precede the quote character with a backslash (\). If you want to include the backslash character itself in the search, type two backslashes.
*You can mix and match any number of words and quoted phrases within the keyword field.
*The search is neither case nor accent sensitive, even within a quoted phrase. Example: A search for AustralianPostCode will return the same results as a search for AUSTRALIANPOSTCODE or Australianpostcode.
*If you enter a string that contains an odd number of double-quote characters, then the last double-quote character is ignored when the search is performed.
*If the keyword search input field is empty when the search is executed, the search returns all available Virtual Services.
*The keyword search can include wildcard characters.
Wildcard Characters
The available wildcard characters are:
* or %
If you use the percent symbol (%) or the asterisk (*), CentraSite replaces the wildcard symbol with as many characters as necessary to find a match. For example, an entry of A%n returns both Amazon and American. If you enter *al, then CalcService, Calendar and AustralianPostCode all fit the search criteria.
? or _
If you use the question mark (?) or the underscore (_), CentraSite replaces the wildcard symbol with a single character in order to find a match. Example: AustralianPostCode?VService matches any character for ?.
You can use a wildcard character at any point in the keyword text, and multiple times throughout the keyword text. If you enter a wildcard character in the middle of a string, for example cat*dog, then at least one of the searched attributes must contain the string in order for the asset or supporting document to be included in the result set.
If a wildcard character between two words is surrounded by spaces, such as word1 * word2, the wildcard will match one word.
Here are some general guidelines when using wildcard characters:
*Certain non-alphanumeric characters that can appear in the name of a Virtual Service are currently ignored by CentraSite's wildcard mechanism when you include them in a keyword search. In particular, the hyphen (-) is ignored. Thus, if you have created the Virtual Services AustralianPostCodeVService-1 and AustralianPostCodeVService_1, the wildcard search for AustralianPostCodeVService?1 will find AustralianPostCodeVService_1 but not AustralianPostCodeVService-1.
*The percent (%) character acts as a word delimiter when it appears in the text to be searched. Thus, for example, if the description field of a Virtual Service contains the text abc%def (the characters a, b, c, %, d, e, f), this is treated by the search mechanism as two adjacent words abc and def. A wildcard search such as abc*def looks for a single word beginning with abc and ending with def, so the search will not find this asset.
*To search using keyword
1. In CentraSite Control, go to Operations > Deployment.
2. In the Deployed Assets tab, click Deploy.
This opens up the Select a Target and Services to be Deployed on the Selected Target dialog box.
3. Type the keywords to search for Virtual Services in the text box. You can use one or more wildcards to specify the keywords.
If you leave the text box blank, or enter just a wildcard, the entire set of Virtual Services is returned.
CentraSite returns the Virtual Services that match the search criteria. The search looks for the keywords in the Name and Description attributes of a Virtual Service.