CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite User’s Guide | Runtime Governance | Virtual Service Asset Management | Managing Virtual Service Assets through CentraSite Control | Virtual SOAP Service Management | Deploying Virtual Services to Targets
Deploying Virtual Services to Targets
To deploy Virtual Services to targets, you must belong to a role with the following permissions:
*Create Assets —OR— Manage Assets
*Manage Runtime Policies (required to configure Virtual Services)
*Manage Lifecycle Models (required to change state of Virtual Services)
*Mediator Publisher (required to deploy Virtual Services)
Note:Mediator exposes several Web service operations to allow CentraSite to manage deployed assets. This Web service is invoked by CentraSite any time a user deploys or undeploys a Virtual Service to Mediator. A Mediator's configuration details page includes the User Name and Password fields which identify an Integration Server user who is permitted to execute the Integration Server services associated with Mediator's deployer service. After installation, only members of the Integration Server Administrators group are allowed to invoke these services. However, administrators have the flexibility to allow their own users or groups to invoke them. Access to these services is controlled by an ACL, called MediatorDeployer. Initially, only the predefined Administrators group is assigned to this ACL. An Integration Server administrator can remove this group and add other groups or individual users. For example, you can create your own deployer group, (for example, MyDeployers) and add Integration Server user IDs to this group. Then, the user must update the MediatorDeployer ACL by removing the Administrators group and adding the MyDeployers group. Now, on the target's configuration detail page, you can specify any user ID that belongs to MyDeployers group.
You cannot deploy a Virtual Service in CentraSite Control until you meet the following conditions:
*Ensure that you have the Mediator Publisher role. Only users with this permission can deploy a Virtual Service. CentraSite will not enable the deployment controls for any other users.
*Ensure that the run-time policies for the Virtual Service are active. This is indicated in the Policies profile on the Virtual Service's detail page. If a policy is inactive, you must activate it.
*Ensure that the gateway to which the Virtual Service will be deployed has already been created.
*Ensure that the gateway's specified deployment URL is active and the user credentials of Integration Server are valid. To check this, go to the gateway's detail page and click the Publish button. If the connection is not active and valid, activate the deployment endpoint and modify the user credentials as required.
*If the Virtual Service is under the control of an active lifecycle model (LCM), ensure that:
*The Virtual Service is in a deployable lifecycle state. If you are not certain of what the deployable lifecycle state is, consult your CentraSite administrator.
*The Virtual Service has a design-time policy that includes the Change Deployment Status action and it is set to Yes. This action specifies whether the service is eligible for deployment.
If these conditions are not satisfied, all or part of the deployment user interface controls will be disabled when you view the Virtual Service.
If you Migrate Virtual Services from a Pre-8.2 Release
If you have Virtual Services that were created prior to version 8.2, those Virtual Services continue to hold the deployment metadata generated by CentraSite 8.0. Although this metadata is not applicable in CentraSite 8.2, and will not affect deployment in 8.2, we strongly recommend that you perform the following steps:
1. Undeploy all Virtual Services from CentraSite 8.0.
2. Upgrade to CentraSite 8.2.
3. Ensure that all gateway endpoints are configured correctly.
4. Deploy all Virtual Services from CentraSite 8.2.
Please be aware that the new synchronous deployment model does not support subscriptions and subscription services.