CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite Developer's Guide | Web Service Interfaces | Approval Service | Approving or Rejecting Approval Requests
Approving or Rejecting Approval Requests
*To enable a user to approve or reject a request
1. Use the getPendingApprovals operation to obtain the list of requests that require the user's approval.
2. Apply the approve or reject operation to the requests in the list according to the approval decisions that the user makes.
When you invoke the approve or reject operation, you must specify the key of the approval request on which the operation is to act. You can obtain this key from the ApprovalRequestList message that was returned by the getPendingApprovals operation.
You can apply the approve or reject operation to a single approval request or to multiple requests.
The approve and reject operations return an ApprovalRequestList message. This message contains the approval requests that were approved or rejected by the operation.
This operation provides functionality like that of the Pending Approvals list in CentraSite Control.