CentraSite 10.3 | CentraSite Developer's Guide | Web Service Interfaces | Approval Service
Approval Service
Invoking Operations from the Approval Service
Retrieving the List of Approval Requests that a User Has Submitted
Approving or Rejecting Approval Requests
Scrolling Through the List of Returned Approval Requests
Reverting a Pending Approval Request
Approval Service Operations
Search Service Operations
The Approval service provides a set of operations that enables you to programmatically interact with CentraSite's approval system. Using the Approval service, you can develop client applications that let users view requests that they have submitted for approval and let approvers accept or reject these requests.
The WSDL for the Approval service is located here:
Where server is the machine on which the Software AG Runtime is running and port is the port on which Software AG Runtime is listening (port 53307 if CentraSite is configured to use the default Software AG Runtime port number).
The following lists the operations that the Approval service provides:
* getPendingApprovals
* getApprovalRequests
* getApprovalActions
* approve
* reject
* getApprovalHistory
* revertPendingStateChange