Broker 10.5 | webMethods Broker Documentation | Administering webMethods Broker | Managing Broker Servers | Backing Up and Restoring a Broker Server | Restoring a Separate Storage Configuration
Restoring a Separate Storage Configuration
Resynchronizing a Restored Broker with its Territory
You use the server_conf_restore utility to restore the Broker Server's configuration storage session from a backup file that you created using the server_conf_backup utility.
Because there is no guarantee that the data in the existing run-time session is consistent with the metadata that you are restoring, you must reinitialize the run-time storage files before restoring the configuration session from the backup file. All client queues and guaranteed documents that are currently in the run-time storage session, will be lost.
To reinitialize the run-time storage session, you delete the existing files and create new, empty run-time storage files in their place. To do this, you must create a new Broker Server using exactly the same settings as your original Broker Server. This creates an initialized environment into which you can restore the configuration session from the backup file.
The following procedure describes the steps to do this. During this procedure, you will:
*Locate and delete all of the existing queue storage files.
*Create a new, empty Broker Server in the same data directory as the original Broker Server. (This step initializes the run-time storage session).
*Restore the configuration session from the backup file.
If you are restoring an SSL-enabled Broker Server and you have modified the location, password, or content of the keystore file, you will need to restore the copy of the keystore file that you made when you created the backup file of the configuration session.
*To restore the Broker Server using the server_conf_restore utility
1. Stop Broker Server.
2. Perform the following steps to obtain information about this Broker Server's queue storage system. You will use this information in later steps:
a. Navigate to the following directory:
webMethods Broker_directory/bin
b. Run the following command to display details about the existing queue storage system:
server_config storage dataDir -list
where dataDir is the path to Broker Server's data directory. Enclose the entire directory name in quotes if any portion of the name contains a space.
c. Print or otherwise record the information that the command displays. You will use this information later when you create new instances of these files.
3. Delete all of the existing queue storage files for this Broker Server (that is, the files ending "qs," ".qs.stor," and ".qs.log"). Use the output from step 2c to locate these files.
4. Perform the following steps to prepare the Broker Server to accept the restored files.
a. Move the Broker Server's awbroker.cfg file out of Broker Server's data directory and into a different directory. (You cannot complete the next step if the awbroker.cfg file exists in the Broker Server's data directory.)
b. Use the "server_config create" command (shown below) to initialize Broker Server's queue storage system. The following points apply when you run this command:
*You must create queue storage files using the exact names, locations, and sizes as the files described in the report generated in step 2c.
*Be sure to include the -nostart option to prevent Broker Server from starting after you run this command.
*If you do not know the Broker Server's port number or do not find the license file, get that information from the original awbroker.cfg file that you moved in step 4a.
server_config create dataDir -p port -k license-file-path -nostart
-session_config qs configSessionParameters
-session_data qs dataSessionParameters
For example:
server_config create /var/opt/webmethods/awbrokersversion/myBroker -p
6800 -
-k /tmp/licenses/new_license.xml
-session_config qs
-qs_log_file /var/opt/webmethods/myBroker/configData.qs.log 20M
-qs_storage_file /var/opt/webmethods/myBroker/configData01.qs.stor 10G
-session_data qs
-qs_log_file /var/opt/webmethods/myBroker/runtimeData.qs.log 1000M
-qs_storage_file /var/opt/webmethods/myBroker/runtimeData01.qs.stor 10G
-qs_storage_file /var/opt/webmethods/myBroker/runtimeData02.qs.stor 10G
c. For additional information about the server_config create utility, see Creating a Broker Server with the Default Log and Storage Files and the server_config create.
5. Run the following command to restore the configuration queue storage files to the Broker Server:
server_conf_restore dataDir backupFile -o
The Broker Server's data directory. Enclose the entire directory name in quotes if any portion of the name contains a space.
The name of the backup file.
For more information about these parameters, see server_conf_restore.
For example:
server_conf_restore /var/opt/webmethods/awbrokersversion/myBroker
/var/backups/Brokers/atlas6849/ -o
6. In a UNIX environment, change the permissions of the restored files:
a. Change the ownership of all files ending with ".qs", ".qs.stor", and ".qs.log" to bin (if Broker Server was installed by the root) or to the user ID that was used to install Broker Server.
For example: chown bin *.qs*
b. Change the group ownership for all files ending with ".qs", ".qs.stor", and ".qs.log" to allow bin access (if Broker Server was installed by root) or to a group in which the user that installed Broker Server is a member.
For example: chgrp bin *.qs*
7. If your original Broker Server was configured to use any of the following features, add the appropriate settings to the new awbroker.cfg file in the data directory.
For information see...
Cache settings
Max Memory Size
Async Write Mode
8. Restart the Broker Server.
9. If this Broker Server hosts a Broker that is part of a territory, review the information in the following section to determine whether you need to perform additional steps to synchronize the restored Broker with the rest of the territory.