Broker 10.5 | webMethods Broker Documentation | Administering webMethods Broker | webMethods Broker Command-Line Utilities | Broker Server Configuration Utility | server_config create
server_config create
The create subcommand creates a new Broker Server in the specified data directory. When you create a new Broker Server, you can specify whether you want it to use separate or combined queue storage sessions. After the Broker Server is created, you cannot change its session type. The default is to create separate storage sessions.
For more information about creating Broker Servers, see Creating a Broker Server with the Default Log and Storage Files.
Syntax for creating separate storage sessions
create datadir -k license-file-path [-e exec] [-p port] [-d desc] [-nostart] [-S]
[ -use_combined_storage ]
[ -session_config sc-type
[ -qs_log_file filename file-size
{ -qs_storage_file filename file-size [ reserved-size ]}* ]
[ -session_data sc-type
[ -qs_log_file filename file-size
{ -qs_storage_file filename file-size [ reserved-size ]}* ]
Fully qualified path to the data directory for the Broker Server being created. If the path includes spaces, enclose the spacing in double quotation marks.
If the directory already exists, it must not contain a copy of the awbroker.cfg file.
-e exec
(optional) The path to the awbroker executable file. This option can be used to override the default location for the executable. By default, the executable is picked up from the webMethods Broker_directory/bin directory.
-k license-file-path
The absolute path to the Broker Server run-time license file. The location must have a valid license file in XML format as provided by Software AG.
[-d desc]
One-line description that describes the Broker Server you are creating. If the text string includes spaces, enclose the in double quotation marks.
The description appears in various pages within the Broker user interface.
[-p port]
The Broker Server base port number. By default, the Broker Server uses port 6849.
By default, the command starts the Broker Server automatically after it creates it. If you want to start the Broker Server manually later instead, use this argument to prevent the command from starting the Broker Server.
By default, the command writes error messages to stderr and information messages to stdout. If you want to write error messages to stdout and suppress information messages instead, use this argument.
Creates a combined storage session for both session_config and session_data.
Value of a session.
[-qs_log_file filename fileSize]
filename identifies the fully qualified path to the log file for the storage session Enclose the entire path name in quotes if any portion of it contains a space.
fileSize specifies the size of the log file. Follow the amount with k (kilobytes), m (megabytes), or g (gigabytes).
Depending on which type of storage session you specify, the log file name changes. The default is:
*For -session_config:
-qs_log_file datadir/BrokerConfig.qs.log 32M
*For -session_data:
-qs_log_file datadir/BrokerData.qs.log 32M
where the default log size is 32 MB. Anticipate a small delay in operation while the command initializes the files. For more information about log files for queue storage, see Configuring Queue Storage.
[-qs_storage_file filename fileSize [reservedSize]
filename identifies the fully qualified path to the storage file. Each storage session can have multiple storage files.
fileSize specifies the maximum space allowed for the storage file based on the storage session type specified, e.g., session_config or session_data. Change the value of fileSize to increase the storage size.
reservedSize specifies the amount of storage that should be initially allocated. This value cannot be less than 16 MB. Once you set the reservedSize, you cannot decrease its size.
Follow the size amounts with k (kilobytes), m (megabytes), or g (gigabytes).
Depending on which type of storage session you specify, the storage file name changes. The default is:
*For -session_config:
-qs_storage_file datadir/BrokerConfig.qs.stor
512M 64M
*For -session_data:
-qs_storage_file datadir/BrokerData.qs.stor
512M 64M
*For use_combined_storage:
-qs_storage_file datadir/Broker.qs.stor
512M 64M
where the default sizes are: a maximum storage size of 512 MB and a reserved storage size of 64 MB. Anticipate a small delay in operation while the command initializes the files.
You cannot remove storage files or decrease their size.
Example 1
The following example creates a new Broker Server files using port number 6840. This example uses the default storage parameters and creates a Broker Server with separate storage files.
server_config create "C:\SoftwareAG\Broker\data\awbrokersversion\server2"
-k C:\SoftwareAG\Broker\config\license.xml -p 6840
Example 2
The following example creates a new Broker Server that uses port number 7849 and separate storage sessions of specified sizes.
server_config create C:\Brokers\Server_7849 -p 7849
-k C:\SoftwareAG\Broker\config\license.xml
-desc "Broker for manufacturing"
-session_config qs
-qs_log_file D:\BrokerLogs\Server_7849\BrokerConfig.qs.log 32M
-qs_storage_file E:\BrokerStore\Server_7849\BrokerConfig.qs.stor 2G
-session_data qs
-qs_log_file D:\BrokerLogs\Server_7849\BrokerData.qs.log 1G
-qs_storage_file E:\BrokerStore\Server_7849\BrokerData.qs.stor 30G 5G
Syntax for creating combined storage sessions
server_config create datadir -k license-file-path
[-d desc] [-p port] [-nostart] [-S]
[-session_config qs [-qs_log_file filename fileSize]
[-qs_storage_file filename
Fully qualified path to the data directory for the Broker Server being created. If the path includes spaces, enclose the spacing in double quotation marks.
If the directory already exists, it must not contain a copy of the awbroker.cfg file.
-k license-file-path
The absolute path to the Broker Server run-time license file. The location must have a valid license file in XML format as provided by Software AG.
[-d desc]
One-line description that describes the Broker Server you are creating. If the text string includes spaces, enclose the in double quotation marks.
The description appears in various pages within the Broker user interface.
[-p port]
The Broker Server base port number. By default, the Broker Server uses port 6849.
By default, the command starts the Broker Server automatically after it creates it. If you want to start the Broker Server manually later instead, use this argument to prevent the command from starting the Broker Server.
By default, the command writes error messages to stderr and information messages to stdout. If you want to write error messages to stdout and suppress information messages instead, use this argument.
[-qs_log_file filename fileSize]
*filename identifies the fully qualified path to the log file for the storage session Enclose the entire path name in quotes if any portion of it contains a space.
*fileSize specifies the size of the log file. Follow the amount with k (kilobytes), m (megabytes), or g (gigabytes).
The default is:
-qs_log_file datadir/Broker.qs.log 32M
where the default log size is 32 MB. Anticipate a small delay in operation while the command initializes the files.
You can remove or replace log files and you can increase or decrease their size.
[-qs_storage_file filename fileSize [reservedSize]
*filename identifies the fully qualified path to the storage file. The storage session can have multiple storage files.
*fileSize specifies the maximum space allowed for the storage file based on the storage session type specified, for example, session_config or session_data. Change the value of fileSize to increase the storage size.
*reservedSize specifies the amount of storage that should be initially allocated. This value cannot be less than 16 MB. Once you set the reservedSize, you cannot decrease its size.
Follow the size amounts with k (kilobytes), m (megabytes), or g (gigabytes).
The default is:
-qs_storage_file datadir/Broker.qs.stor 512M 64M
where the default sizes are: a maximum storage size of 512 MB and a reserved storage size of 64 MB. Anticipate a small delay in operation while the command initializes the files.
You cannot remove storage files or decrease their size.
Creates a combined storage session.
Example 1
The following example creates a new Broker Server that uses port number 6840 and a combined storage session of the default size.
server_config.exe create "C:\SoftwareAG\Broker\data\awbrokersversion\server2"
-p 6840 -k C:\SoftwareAG\Broker\config\license.xml -use_combined_storage
Example 2
The following example creates a new Broker Server that uses port number 7849 and a combined storage session of a specified size.
server_config create C:\Brokers\Server_7849 -p 7849
-k C:\SoftwareAG\Broker\config\license.xml -desc "Broker Server
for manufacturing"
-session_config qs
-qs_log_file C:\Brokers\Server_7849\Broker.qs.log 1G
-qs_storage_file C:\Brokers\Server-7849\Broker.qs.stor 30G 5G