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ApplinX API Specification

Class GXAnchorTag

    • Constructor Detail

      • GXAnchorTag

        public GXAnchorTag()
    • Method Detail

      • setOnserverclick

        public void setOnserverclick(String value)
        Called by the JSP page for setting a server side function name that will be activated when the anchor (link) is clicked.
        <gx:a id="<TAG_ID>" onserverclick="<SERVER_FUNCTION_NAME>">
        The server side function is in the class which was set in:
        <gx:html gx_context="CONTEXT CLASS" ...>
        value - The onserverclick function name (without brackets)
      • setOnclick

        public void setOnclick(String value)
        Called by the JSP page for setting the onclick attribute to the HTML tag output. If onserverclick is also specified for the tag, the onserverclick will be added before the onclick attribute.
        setOnclick in class GXAbstractTag
        value - The onclick attribute value
      • setOnmouseover

        public void setOnmouseover(String value)
        Called by the JSP page for setting the onmouseover attribute to the tag output HTML.
        value - The onmouseover attribute value
      • setOnmouseout

        public void setOnmouseout(String value)
        Called by the JSP page for setting the onmouseout attribute to the tag output HTML.
        value - The onmouseout attribute value
      • setHref

        public void setHref(String value)
        Called by the JSP page for setting the href attribute to the tag output HTML.
        value - The href attribute value

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