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ApplinX API Specification

Package com.sabratec.applinx.framework.sso

Single SignOn

See: Description

Package com.sabratec.applinx.framework.sso Description

Single SignOn

This package is responsible for managing Single SignOn for host applications. The process is combined from 3 parts:

Recognizing a SignOn screen

The SignOn screen recognition can be one of the followings:

Retrieving the host user name/password from

The user/password retrievring part can be implemented by implementing the interface GXIUserPasswordRetriever.
By default ApplinX framework provides 2 implementations:

Both retriever should must accept the paramter name of the request parameters/session variables.

Executing a SignOn process

Determines what action to perform when a SignOn screen was recognized. The retreived user/password will be passed to one of the following Single SignOn executer: All the relevant paramaters can be configured using the framework configuration editor, Single SignOn node.
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ApplinX API Specification

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