See: Description
Interface | Description |
GXICellable |
Description: This interface represents a cell in a host table.
GXIColumnIdentifier |
Used by GXAddFieldToPreviousRowFilter, in order to determine if a row
contains a field to be copied to a previous row.
GXIMasterRowIdentifier | |
GXIRowsFilter |
Row filtering object.
GXITable |
General table entity.
GXITableCell |
Basic table cell.
GXITableColumn |
Table column.
GXITableColumnCollection |
Table's column schema.
GXITableRow |
Table row.
GXITableRowCollection |
Table's rows' data.
Class | Description |
GXAbstractTable | |
GXCellable | |
GXColumnNotFoundException | |
GXColumnsComparator | |
GXDefaultTable |
This table should be used in the following cases:
- A table based on one host screen.
GXFieldTableCell |
Host field based cell.
GXHostTableUtils |
Title: GXHostTableUtils
GXMasterTable |
This table represents a host table that its width is more than one host screen,
(horizontal scrolling), and not all records appear in all of the host screens.
GXMultipleRecordsTable |
This table represents a host table with "conditional" application fields,
or more than one columns schema: A row with schema 1 (master row) appears,
and afterwards all of its "child" rows with schema 2, until another row of
schema 1 appears.
GXPartialRowsTable |
This table represents a host table that its width is more than one host screen,
(horizontal scrolling), and not all records appear in all of the host screens.
GXScreenNameUndefinedException | |
GXTableCell | |
GXTableColumn | |
GXTableColumnCollection | |
GXTableRow | |
GXTableRowCollection | |
GXVariableTableCell |
Variable-based cell.
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