Version 8.0 (2010-08-18)
 —  Customized Controls  —

Control Concept

This document gives you an overview about the control concept. It covers the following topics:

Page Generation

The page generation is the process of transferring an XML layout definition into an HTML/JavaScript page. It is automatically executed inside Application Designer's Layout Painter when previewing a layout. It can also be called from outside processing.

Page generation

A generator program (com.softwareag.cis.gui.generate.HTMLGenerator) is receiving a string which contains the XML layout definition. The generator program parses this string with a SAX parser and as a consequence processes the string tag by tag.

The generation of HTML pages is done in two steps:

A tag handler instance is called at three different point of times by the generator:

It is now the task of the tag handler to create HTML/JavaScript statements at the right point of time.

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Control Interface

The following topics are covered below:


The interface com.softwareag.cis.gui.generate.IMacroTagHandler contains two methods which represent the different point of times when the generator calls the tag handler during the macro execution phase.

package com.softwareag.cis.gui.generate;

import org.xml.sax.AttributeList;
import com.softwareag.cis.gui.protocol.ProtocolItem;

public interface IMacroTagHandler
    public void generateXMLForStartTag(String tagName,
                                AttributeList attrlist,
                                StringBuffer sb,
                                ProtocolItem pi);
    public void generateXMlForEndTag(String tagName,
                                     StringBuffer sb);

A detailed information about the methods can be found inside the Javadoc documentation which is part of your Application Designer installation.


The interface com.softwareag.cis.gui.generate-ITagHandler contains three methods that represent the different point of times when the generator calls a tag handler during the HTML generation phase.

package com.softwareag.cis.gui.generate;

import org.xml.sax.AttributeList;
import com.softwareag.cis.gui.protocol.*;

public interface ITagHandler
    public void generateHTMLForStartTag(int id,
                                        String tagName,
                                        AttributeList attrlist,
                                        ITagHandler[] handlersAbove,
                                        StringBuffer sb,
                                        ProtocolItem protocolItem);

    public void generateHTMLForEndTag(String tagName,
                                      StringBuffer sb);

    public void generateJavaScriptForInit(int id,
                                          String tagName,
                                          StringBuffer sb);

A detailed information about the methods can be found inside the Javadoc documentation which is part of your Application Designer installation.

Call Sequence

A tag is processed by the generator in a certain way that is now described for the HTML generation phase. (The macro execution phase is processed in an analogue way.)

The following image illustrates the call sequence:

Call sequence

Be aware of the following:

Extensions of IMacroTagHandler and ITagHandler

There are certain interfaces which extend the framework for specific situations:

You do not need to know anything about these extensions to create your first controls. Documentation is provided inside the Javadoc documentation.

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Library Concept

The library concept is responsible for defining the way how the generator finds a tag handler class for a certain tag. There are two situations:

  1. The generator finds a tag without a ":" character. This indicates that this is a native Application Designer tag - the according tag handler is found inside the package com.softwareag.cis.gui.generate, the class name is created by converting the tag name to upper case and appending "Handler".

    For example, if the generator finds the tag "header", it tries to use a tag handler class com.softwareag.cis.gui.generate.HEADERHandler.

  2. The generator finds a tag with a ":" character, e.g. demo:address. This indicates to the generator that an external control library is used. The generator looks into a certain configuration file (<installdir>/config/controllibraries.xml) and finds out the package name which deals with the "demo:" library. After having found the package name, the class name is built in the same way as with standard Application Designer controls.

    For example, if the generator finds the tag demo:address and in the configuration file the demo prefix is assigned to the package com.softwareag.cis.demolibrary, then the full class name of the tag handler is com.softwareag.cis.demolibrary.ADDRESSHandler.

What happens if the generator does not find a valid class for a certain tag? In this case, it just copies the tag of the layout definition inside the generated HTML/JavaScript string. Via this mechanism, it is possible to define, for example, HTML tags inside the layout definition which are just copied into the HTML/JavaScript generation result.

Control Libraries

A control library is a Java library containing ItagHandler/IMacroTagHandler implementations. The corresponding .jar file has to be part of the Application Designer application libraries in order to be found inside the Layout Painter and Layout Manager; i.e. it can be copied, for example, into the <webappdir>/<projectdir>/appclasses/lib directory.

The central control file for configuring control libraries in your installation is the file <webappdir>/cis/config/controllibraries.xml. An example of the file looks as follows:

	<library package="com.softwareag.cis.demolibrary"

Each library is listed with its tag prefix and with the package name in which the generator looks for tag handler classes.

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Binding Concept

The normal binding concept between page and a corresponding class is:

But: as you might already have read in the part Binding between Page and Adapter of the Special Development Topics, it is much more flexible. You can define hierarchical access paths for both methods and properties.

For example, you can define a FIELD control which binds to the property address.street. As a consequence, the adapter is first asked for an object via a getAddress() method. Then the result of this method is asked for getStreet(). The same is true for methods: in a BUTTON control, you can define the method address.clear - as a consequence, the adapter again is first asked for getAddress(), then the method clear() is called in the result object.

Why is this important with controls? Well, it is especially important for composing controls: you might want complex controls, e.g. an address control which internally is composed out of 10 FIELD controls, to be represented on the server side by a corresponding server class which matches the property and method requirements of the control. Even more: if you add an additional FIELD control to the address control, then you might not want to update all adapter classes, but just want to update the corresponding server class.


In analogy to the "Adapter", which is the representation of a whole page, the server side classes, which deal with certain controls, are called "Control Adapter" classes.

This all sounds a bit abstract - wait for the control adapter code example. Then you will see how powerful and simple this binding concept is.

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Integrating Controls into the Layout Painter

Once having created new controls, you want to use them inside the Layout Painter. The Layout Painter is configured by a set of XML files, all of them located inside <webappdir>/cis/config/:

Have a look into the editor.xml file: all controls that come with Application Designer are listed inside this file. Each control defines the attributes that can be maintained and defines how it fits into other controls. Data type definitions to provide value help for the attributes is defined as well inside this file.

In short: editor.xml controls the way in which controls are presented inside the Layout Painter.

When creating new controls, you want to integrate your controls into the Layout Painter, i.e. you want to register them inside editor.xml as well. Instead of letting you directly manipulate editor.xml, there is an extension concept - in order to keep your definitions untouched by release upgrades. There are some editor_*.xml files, each of the files containing the definitions of editor.xml for a certain control library.

Have a look into the editor_demo.xml file:

  <tag name="demo:addressrowarea2">
    <attribute name="addressprop" mandatory="true"/>
  <tagsubnodeextension control="pagebody" newsubnode="demo:addressrowarea2"/>

In this example, a new control demo:addressrowarea2 is defined:

Or have a look at the following section:

  <tag name="demo:addressrowarea3">
    <attribute name="addressprop" mandatory="true"/>
      <rowarea name="Address">
              <label name="First Name" width="100">
              <field valueprop="$addressprop$.firstName" width="150">
              <label name="Last Name" width="100">
              <field valueprop="$addressprop$.lastName" width="150">
          <vdist height="10">
              <label name="Street" width="100">
              <field valueprop="$addressprop$.street" width="300">
              <label name="Town" width="100">
              <field valueprop="$addressprop$.zipCode" width="50">
              <hdist width="5">
              <field valueprop="$addressprop$.town" width="245">
          <vdist height="10">
              <hdist width="100">
              <button name="Clear" method="$addressprop$.clearAddress">
        <addproperty name="$addressprop$" datatype="ADDRESSInfo" useincodegenerator="true"/>
  <tagsubnodeextension control="pagebody" newsubnode="demo:addressrowarea3"/>

The control demo:addressarea3 has the following features:

The editor_*.xml files should not be maintained by yourself directly. Instead, use the Control Editor to define the file in a comfortable way.

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When defining new controls, there are the following resources:

The following section contains examples for building macro controls and new controls.

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