ebXML Module 7.1 SP1 | Understanding and Using webMethods EBXML Module | Installing and Using ebxml Module | Trading Partner Agreement Parameters Version 1. 0 | TPA Parameters for ebXML Message Service Version 1.0 Specification | CollaborationProtocolAgreement
A string that gives the document a unique identifier.
A string that is the version of the TPA. It can only have a value of 1.0.
A URI string that specifies the location of the schema document used to validate the document.
An IS document (IData object) that indicates the state of the process that creates the CPA.
For a list of sub-parameters and their descriptions, see Status.
An IS document (IData object) that describes the messaging capabilities of a trading partner identified by the "PartyId" document.
For a list of sub-parameters and their descriptions, see PartyInfo.
An IS document (IData object) that provides specific information about how the Message Header and payload constituent(s) are packaged for transmittal over the transport, including information about document-level security packaging security features.
For a list of sub-parameters and their descriptions, see Packaging.
An IS document (IData object) used for routing configuration in a multi-hop messaging scenario.
For a list of sub-parameters and their descriptions, see Routing.
An IS document (IData object) that contains webMethods implementation-specific parameters.
For a list of sub-parameters and their descriptions, see CustomParams.