ebXML Module 7.1 SP1 | Understanding and Using webMethods EBXML Module | Installing and Using ebxml Module | Trading Partner Agreement Parameters Version 1. 0 | TPA Parameters for ebXML Message Service Version 1.0 Specification | PartyInfo
An IS document (IData object) that provides Party identification.
A string that provides a unique identifier for the Party.
A URI string that defines a namespace for the value of the PartyId.
An IS document (IData object) that identifies a role for the Party.
An IS document (IData object) that identifies the role that the Party can support.
*nameA string that is the name attribute of Role.
An IS document (IData object) that provides service binding information for the message receiver.
An IDREF string that refers to the default DeliveryChannel for message delivery.
An IDREF string that refers to the default Packaging element to be used with the ServiceBinding element.
An IS document (ID object) that identifies the service bound to a Role element. Parameters:
*body A string that is the name of the service to be bound.
*type A string that is a type attribute for Service.
An IS document (IData object) that specifies delivery and packaging information for actions that need channelId and packaging other than the default values specified by ServiceBinding/channelId and ServiceBinding/packaging. Parameters:
*actionA string that is the action the message receiver takes.
*channelIdA string that is the ID for the DeliveryChannel used for the message identified in action.
*packageIdA string that is the ID for the Packaging used for the message identified in action.
An IS document (IData object) that defines the characteristics of each channel used for message delivery.
A string that is the ID attribute for a DeliveryChannel.
A string that identifies the Transport element for a DeliveryChannel. Its value equals that of the transportId value of the identified Transport element.
A string that identifies the DocExchange element for a DeliveryChannel. Its value equals that of the docExchangeId value of the identified DocExchange element.
An IS document (IData object) that contains security definitions for a delivery channel.
*syncReplyModeA string that defines the content of a synchronous reply. It can have one of four values: none, responseOnly, signalsAndResponse, and signalsOnly. When the value is set to none, the reply is asynchronous. At present, ebXML Module interprets the values of responseOnly, signalsAndResponse, and signalsOnly as synchronous, and does not specifically handle each of these values.
*nonrepudiationOfOrigin A Boolean string than can have one of two values: true for requesting a digital signature from the message sender, and false for requesting no digital signature.
A value of true results in a digest comparison of the received acknowledgment with the original message.
*ackRequested A string that can have one of three values: Signed for requesting a transport-level signed acknowledgment, Unsigned for requesting a transport-level unsigned acknowledgment, and None for requesting no transport-level acknowledgment.
An IS document (IData object) that defines communication protocols for specific ebXML message actions. Supported communication protocols are HTTP, HTTPS, and SMTP.
A string that is the ID attribute for each Transport element.
An IS document that identifies the communication protocol that the sender uses to send an ebXML message to its intended receiver. The SendingProtocol:body parameter can be set to one of the following values: Preferred, Primary HTTP, Secondary HTTP, Primary HTTPS, Secondary HTTPS, Primary Email, or Secondary Email. Each of these values correspond to a delivery method defined in the profile of the receiver.
An IS Document that identifies the communication protocol using which a Party can receive ebXML messages from the other Party.
An IS document (IData object) that contains the address of the message receiver.
*uri A URI string that is the electronic address of the message receiver.
*type A string that identifies the purpose of the Endpoint and can have one of five values: login for the initial message, request for request messages, response for response messages, error for error messages, and allPurpose for any messages.
An IS document (IData object) that contains information related to document exchange.
A string that is the ID used to reference this element from other parts of the CPA.
An IS document (IData object) that contains specific properties of the ebXML Message Service Version 1.0 Specification.
*version A string that is the version of the ebMS specification.
*ReliableMessaging An IS document that contains information about reliable ebXMl message exchange.
*deliverySemantics A String that can have one of two values: OnceAndOnly Once for reliable delivery, and BestEffort for normal delivery.
*deliveryReceiptRequested A String that can have one of three values: Signed for a signed receipt, Unsigned for an unsigned receipt, and None for no receipt. Applicable only for ebXML Message Service Version 1.0 Specification.
*messageOrderSemantics A string that can have one of two values: Guaranteed for processing the messages in the order in which they were sent, and Not Guaranteed for not following the order in which they were sent.
*Retries A string that specifies the number of retries that are permitted.
*RetryInterval A string that specifies in seconds the interval between retries after a timeout.
webMethods ebXML Module
*PersistDuration A string that provides the length of time (in seconds). In case of nonreliable messaging, this parameter is used for computing the value of the TimeToLive element.
*NonRepudiation An IS document (IData object) that contains information about the XML Digital Signature of the message.
*Protocol An IS document (ID object) that contains information about the technology used for the digital signature.
*body A string that is the name of the technology used for the digital signature.
*HashFunction A string that specifies the algorithm used for the message digest.
*SignatureAlgorithm A string that specifies the algorithm used for the digital signature.
*DigitalEnvelope An IS document (IData object) that contains encryption options for symmetric encryption.
*Protocol An IS document (ID object) that defines the security protocol that is used.
*body A string that is the name of the security protocol.
*EncryptionAlgorithm A string that specifies the encryption algorithm.