ebXML Module 7.1 SP1 | Understanding and Using webMethods EBXML Module | Installing and Using ebxml Module | Built-In Services | Summary of Elements
Summary of Elements
The following elements are available in this folder:
Package and Description
CPA Folder (wm.ip.ebxml.cpa)
Exports the contents of a Trading Partner Agreement in the format of a CPA document.
Creates and configures two Trading Networks profiles and a TPA from a CPA.
Populates the TPA with default values for ebXML Message Service Version 1.0 Specification.
Populates the TPA with default values for ebXML Message Service Version 2.0 Specification.
MSH Folder (wm.ip.ebxml.MSH)
Provides the MSH Ping service as specified in the ebXML Message Service Version 1.0 Specification and ebXML Message Service Version 2.0 Specification. Enables one MSH to determine whether another MSH is operating.
Provides the entry point for all incoming ebXML messages. Submit all received ebXML messages to this service. This service has no output parameters.
Routes a TN document type such as Default, Payload, Receipt to the next MSH, using intermediary parties, optionally with additional payloads.
Sends an acknowledgment for a given BizDocEnvelope.
Sends the content parts of an existing BizDocEnvelope object as an ebXML message. This service must be used with a TPA.
Generates and sends an error message for a specific BizDocEnvelope object.
Sends a receipt for any ebXML TN document type. This service is supported only with ebXML Messaging Services protocol version 1.0.
The send service that uses a TPA.
Provides the Message Status Request service as specified in the ebXML Message Service Version 1.0 Specification and ebXML Message Service Version 2.0 Specification.
TN Folder (wm.ip.ebxml.TN)
Creates a Trading Networks conversation ID for an ebXML message.
Retrieves the business documents carried in the ebXML message.
util Folder (wm.ip.ebxml.util)
Migrates the ebXML Module 6.0.1 TPA to the ebXML Module 7.1 TPA. Also creates a backup of the existing 6.0.1 TPA with the agreementId suffixed by _6-0-1.
Some of the services that existed in webMethods ebXML Module 6.0.1 have been removed to comply with the ebXML Message Service Version 2.0 Specification, which mandates the use of TPAs.
The ebXML Module also uses services in the WmEstdCommonLib package. For information about these services, see the webMethods eStandards Modules Common Built-In Services Reference .