RosettaNet Module 7.1 SP2.October 2012 | Installing and Using webMethods RosettaNet Module | Installing and Using RosettaNet Module | Customizing Trading Partner Agreements | How Does RosettaNet Module Identify a TPA?
How Does RosettaNet Module Identify a TPA?
Every TPA is uniquely identified by a sender, a receiver, and an agreement ID. During a conversation between trading partners, RosettaNet Module uses this information to retrieve the TPAs for the sender and receiver in the conversation and to process the business documents exchanged.
The agreement ID is always the first TN XML document type name used to start the PIP process.
*For the sender of a PIP conversation, the first TN XML document type name is typically the TN XML document type of the document generated by the internal (back-end) system. For example, in the PIP 3A4 Request Purchase Order example described in Processing Overview, the TPA agreement ID for the “Buyer” conversation might be “Internal PO Request.”
*For the receiver of a PIP conversation, the first TN XML document type name is typically the TN XML document type name of the first RosettaNet PIP document received. For example, in the PIP 3A4 Request Purchase Order example described in Processing Overview, the TPA agreement ID for the “Seller” conversation might be “PIP3A4 v1.1 Purchase Order Request Action Document.”