RosettaNet Module 7.1 SP2.October 2012 | Installing and Using webMethods RosettaNet Module | Installing and Using RosettaNet Module | Concepts | RosettaNet Module Solution Overview | Processing Overview
Processing Overview
RosettaNet Module divides processing of business messages among the components of the RosettaNet Module solution. RosettaNet Module passes all documents (outbound and incoming) to Trading Networks. Once processing is completed by Trading Networks, RosettaNet Module passes the processed documents to Process Engine.
Process Engine determines which process model to use for a RosettaNet transaction and tracks the document processing using the ConversationID. Process Engine determines if the ConversationID belongs to a new or existing conversation:
*If the ConversationID matches a running process instance, it rejoins the document to the running conversation.
*If the ConversationID does not match a running process instance, Process Engine starts a new conversation using the appropriate process model.
Process Engine tracks the processing status in the Process Audit Log database.
The following example of document processing illustrates the RosettaNet PIP 3A4 Request Purchase Orderprocess to send a purchase order (PO) to a trading partner. Only the conversation for the buyer role is displayed.
Enterprise is the initiator (buyer). Your internal (back-end) system generates a purchase order (PO) and submits it to RosettaNet Module. RosettaNet Module receives the PO and invokes a Trading Networks service to match the document to a TN XML document type. RosettaNet Module wraps the PO in a BizDocEnvelope and saves the BizDocEnvelope in the database using Trading Networks service.
RosettaNet Module passes the BizDocEnvelope to Process Engine. Process Engine searches for a running process instance with a matching ConversationID. If Process Engine does not find one, it starts a new conversation (process). At the Receive PO step, a service retrieves the Trading Networks profiles for the sender, receiver, and the TPAs.
An outbound mapping service maps the internal PO into a RosettaNet PIP.
At the Send to Seller step, a service packages the PIP into a RosettaNet object (RNO) and sends the RNO to the trading partner (the seller).
Now on the receiver’s side, the trading partner receives the PO, validates it, and sends a Receipt Acknowledgment (not illustrated).
The trading partner returns a PO Acceptance as a RNO, sent to your enterprise through RosettaNet Module. Trading Networks receives the PO Acceptance and extracts the ConversationID. Trading Networks then passes the PO Acceptance to Process Engine.
Process Engine continues the conversation by matching the ConversationID from the PO Acceptance with the ConversationID in the already running process instance. Once the conversation resumes, the PO Acceptance is validated, and your enterprise sends a Receipt Acknowledgment (not illustrated) to the trading partner.
Process Engine invokes an inbound mapping service which maps the PO Acceptance from a PIP to the format used by your internal system.
At the Send PO Acceptance step, a custom-created service sends the PO Acceptance to your internal system.
Your internal system receives the PO Acceptance.
For more information about Process Engine, see RosettaNet Module Run-Time Architecture and Components and Administering webMethods Process Engine. For more information about ConversationIDs, see How Monitor Tracks Conversations and the ConversationID.