RosettaNet Module 7.1 SP2.October 2012 | Installing and Using webMethods RosettaNet Module | Installing and Using RosettaNet Module | Processing Large Business Documents | Configurations to Process Large Business Documents | Step 1: Separate Non-Repeating and Repeating Parts in the RosettaNet PIP Document
Step 1: Separate Non-Repeating and Repeating Parts in the RosettaNet PIP Document
To process a large RosettaNet PIP document, first, you must separate the elements into non-repeating and repeating parts. This separation is required so that RosettaNet Module can validate the PIP in multiple chunks.
In the following figure, the non-repeating part, commonPipRequest, has been split from PIP 3D8.
The commonPipRequest section contains information that would only appear once in a PIP 3D8 document (for example, sender and receiver contact information, descriptions, and Global Partner Classification Codes).
The following figure illustrates the repeating parts of PIP 3D8, workInProcess.
The workInProcess section contains information that repeats in a PIP 3D8 for multiple product components (for example, process routing, manufacturing line, and work-in-process stage of a particular component).