RosettaNet Module 7.1 SP2.October 2012 | Installing and Using webMethods RosettaNet Module | Installing and Using RosettaNet Module | Processing Large Business Documents | Configurations to Process Large Business Documents
Configurations to Process Large Business Documents
Step 1: Separate Non-Repeating and Repeating Parts in the RosettaNet PIP Document
Step 2: Configure the Temporary Disk Space (TSpace)
Step 3: Configure Trading Networks properties
Step 4: Customize the Outbound Mapping Service
Step 5: Customize the Inbound Mapping Service
Step 6: Customize the Validation Service
To enable RosettaNet Module to process large XML documents, during design time you must customize your PIP, Mapping Services, and Validation Services.
The remainder of this chapter explains how to customize PIPs and the mapping and validation services to enable RosettaNet Module to process large business documents, using the PIP 3D8 Large Document Sample as an example. For more information about mapping services, see Mapping a RosettaNet PIP Document.