HL7 Module 10.5 | Understanding and Using HL7 Module | Installing and Using HL7 Module | Logging and Error Handling | HL7 Module Error Codes
HL7 Module Error Codes
The following section lists the major and minor HL7 Module error codes and provides information on the error message, reason, and possible action for each error.
0001.1003 Invalid value found for parameter(s): parameter_name. Value: parameter_value
Explanation: Error. When interpreting the HL7 message separators, HL7 Module found an invalid value for the specified parameter_name.
Action: Ensure that valid values are specified for the input parameters. If all input parameters are valid, contact Software AG Global Support.
0001.1004 Input value parameter_name:parameter_input_value does not match with the value implied in the input message implied_value
Explanation: Error. The value of the parameter_name input parameter to the service and the value implied from the input message do not match. The error occurs either because the value of parameter_name, or the input HL7 version 2.x message are incorrect.
Action: Ensure that the input value for parameter_name is correct and that the input HL7 version 2.x message is appropriate.
0001.1005 Input value parameter_name:parameter_input_value does not match with input messageValues
Explanation: Error. The value of the parameter_name input parameter to the service and the input messageValues do not match. The error occurs either because the value of parameter_name, or the input document in messageValues are incorrect.
Action: Ensure that the input value for parameter_name is correct and that the input document in messageValues is appropriate.
0001.2018 Unsupported HL7 version: version_number
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module failed to run a service because an invalid value or an unsupported version was specified in the input parameters.
Action: Specify a valid value for the messageVersion parameter of the service. For complete information about the input parameters for each service, see webMethods HL7 Module Services.
0001.2019 Unknown HL7 message type [message_type] for: scheme_ID
Explanation: Error. The message type specified in the error message is not valid for a scheme with scheme_ID and message_version.
Action: Check if the message definition for the message type [message_type] with the specified scheme information is present. Check if an IS document type is generated for the message type [message_type] with the specified scheme information.
0001.2021 No JDBC pool configured for HL7 functional alias.
Explanation: Warning. The HL7 functional alias does not have an associated JDBC pool pointing to the HL7 datastore.
Action: Configure the HL7 Module database as described in Configuring the HL7 Module Database.
0001.2022 Error during reading or creating the HL7 functional alias.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module could not create the functional alias required for managing code tables.
Action: Contact Software AG Global Support.
0001.2032 Field: field_name exceeded the maximum length for field_type. Data found: field_value
Explanation: Warning. The data for the FT, GTS, ST, or TX text fields of the HL7 version 2.x message exceeds the maximum length limit.
Action: Correct the HL7 version 2.x message if it is generated by HL7 Module. In all other cases, ignore the warning message.
0001.2033 Field: field_name did not match the expected format of the date field type field_type.Data found: field_value
Explanation: Error. The data for the DT, TM, and DTM date fields of the HL7 version 2.x message does not match the expected format.
Action: Ensure that the data in the DT, TM, and DTM fields is in the required format. For information about the required format for the values of those fields, see the HL7 standards documentation.
0001.2034 Field field_name is of typefield_type, expecting a numeric. Data found: field_value
Explanation: Error. The data for the NM field of the HL7 version 2.x message is not in the expected format.
Action: Ensure that the value in the NM field of the HL7 version 2.x message is a valid decimal with a maximum length of 16 digits.
0001.2035 Field: field_name is of type field_type, expecting a non negative integer. Data found: field_value
Explanation: Error. The data for the SI field of the HL7 version 2.x message is not in the expected format.
Action: Ensure that the value in the SI field of the HL7 version 2.x message is between 1 and 9999.
0001.2036 Field: field_name is of type field_type, expecting a non negative integer with maximum length 4. Data found: field_value
Explanation: Error. The data for the SI field of the HL7 version 2.x message is not in the expected format.
Action: Ensure that the value in the SI field of the HL7 version 2.x message is with a maximum length of 4.
0001.2040 Error converting Document to XML. Document type name: document_type_name
Explanation: Error. When running the convertIDataToHL7 service, this error occurs during the conversion of an IS document into an HL7 XML message.
Action: For more information on this error, see the Integration Server Error log.
0001.2042 Error converting XML to Document. Document type name: document_type_name
Explanation: Error. When running the convertHL7ToIData service, this error occurs during the conversion of an HL7 XML message into an IS document.
Action: For more information on this error, see the Integration Server Error log.
0001.2043 Error occurred while trying to delete the nodenode_name under package package_name.Error:error_text
Explanation: Error. An attempt to delete an HL7 document type of a particular HL7 message version has failed.
Action: Ensure that you have all requisite access rights for the WmHL7DocTypes package. For information on how to control access to packages, see the webMethods Integration Server Administrator’s Guide for your release.
0001.2051 Error during conversion of IData to HL7 for message with version: version_number type: message_type.Error:error_text
Explanation: Error. When running the convertIDataToHL7 service, this error occurs during the serialization of the specified HL7 version 2.x message.
Action: See the stack trace for this error message in the Integration Server Error log to establish the exact cause for the error.
0001.2054 Error during conversion of HL7 to IData for message with version: version_number type: message_type.Error: error_text
Explanation: Error. When running the convertHL7ToIData service, this error occurs during the deserialization of the specified HL7 version 2.x message.
Action: See the stack trace for this error message in the Integration Server Error log to establish the exact cause for the error.
0001.2055 Unrecognized input format for HL7 message of type message_type, version version_number. Expected: string, byte array, or InputStream. Found: qualified_class_name_representing_object_type.
Explanation: Error. The format of the message passed to the HL7 convertHL7ToIData service is not compatible with the required format.
Action: Pass the HL7 version 2.x message to the convertHL7ToIData service as either string, byte array, or InputStream.
0001.2056 Unrecognized input format for HL7 message. Expected: string, byte array, or InputStream but found: message_format
Explanation: Error. The value of the message input parameter of the HL7 Module validate service did not match the expected data types: string, byte array, or InputStream.
Action: Enter the correct value for the message parameter and retry. For details about the HL7 Module validate service, see wm.ip.hl7.service:validate.
0001.2057 Unsupported java charset encoding "charset_encoding".
Explanation: Error. The user-specified charset encoding is invalid.
Action: Ensure that valid java charset encoding is specified.
0001.5001 Error occurred while generating the Document types for version: message_version. error_message_text
Explanation: Error. Occurs when the wm.ip.hl7.utils:generateMessageScheme service fails to generate the IS document type for the HL7 message version specified in the messageVersionparameter.
Action: For more information on this error, see the Integration Server Error log.
0001.5003 Unable to create the required document interface (folder) structure for populating the IS Document types at folder_path.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module failed to create the required folder structure for the specified IS Document type, using one of the Integration Server built-in services.
Action: Ensure that the Integration Server user account has the required credentials to create the document interface. If correcting the credentials does not resolve the error, contact Software AG Global Support.
0001.5005 Error occurred while creating the interface namespace_folder. Exception: error_message
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module failed to create the interface namespace folder in the WmHL7DocTypes package when generating the message scheme.
Action: Check if the user has sufficient rights to create nodes under the WmHL7DocTypes package.
0001.5008 Error occurred while retrieving partner details from message.
Explanation: Warning. The sender/receiver application field of the message header is not populated correctly or the configuration of the partner profile in Trading Networks is incorrect. If this error occurs, HL7 Module uses the default code tables for validation.
Action: Correct the fields and ensure that the partner profile in Trading Networks is configured correctly. Run the service again.
0001.5010 Unable to allocate memory for the received message.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module tried to allocate a byte[] for the given input stream containing the HL7 message.
Action: Increase the heap space of the Integration Server on which HL7 Module is installed and restart Integration Server.
0001.6100 File messages.properties not found at message: folder_location.
Explanation: Error. The required HL7 messages.properties file was not found at the location specified in folder_location.
Action: Ensure that the messages.properties file exists at the location specified in folder_location. For more information, see Generating Message Schemes.
0001.6114 Error while generating message scheme for HL7 Message Scheme ID: [scheme_ID] HL7 Message Version:[message_version]. Exception: exception_text
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module encountered an error when generating the message scheme for the specified HL7 Message Scheme ID. More details about the error are specified in exception_text.
Action: For more information on this error, see the Integration Server Error log.
0001.6115 Input HL7 Message Scheme ID: scheme_ID is invalid. Error: error_text
Explanation: Error. The specified HL7 Scheme ID is not valid. More details about the error are specified in error_text.
Action: For more information on this error, see the Integration Server Error log.
0001.6119 Error while reading messages.properties file.
Explanation: Error. The error occurs when HL7 Module attempts to read the messages.properties file.
Action: Ensure that the file is accessible for reading.
0001.6121 Error retrieving scheme info for TPA TPA_ID. Exception: error_text
Explanation: Error. Error while loading the specified TPA with the specified inputs. More details about the error are specified in error_text.
Action: Ensure that the specified TPA exists, the TPA-related values are specified correctly, and the TPA state is set to 'agreed'. For more information on this error, see the Integration Server Error log.
0001.6122 Unable to delete the temporary file: file_name.
Explanation: HL7 Module creates temporary files when you invoke the wm.ip.hl7.utils:generateMessageScheme service to generate IS document types.
Action: After the schema has been generated, you can manually delete these temporary files.
0002.2000 Error during serialization process.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module failed to serialize the HL7 version 2.x message.
Action: See the stack trace for this error message in the Integration Server Error log to establish the exact cause for the error.
0002.2010 Unable to serialize message for node node_name (node_type) at node_path. error_reason.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module was not able to parse the message, because of validation issue at the specified node_path.
Action: Check the error_reason and correct the issue for the specified node_name.
0002.2015 Unsupported message part message_part_name found. Ignoring the data for the message part.
Explanation: Warning. HL7 Module found a message part that is not supported.
Action: Ensure that the message contains a valid message part.
0002.2028 Error creating HL7 XML writer. Error: error_text
Explanation: Error. Occurs when creating an instance of the XML Event Writer.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for details. For Integration Server 7.1.3, ensure that the STAX implementation library (wstx-asl.jar) is located in the following directory: IntegrationServer_directory\packages\WmHL7\code\jars. For Integration Server 8.x (that ships with the WoodSToX XML-processor), ensure that the STAX implementation library is part of the Integration Server classpath.
0002.2029 Error processing XML Stream at location: location_path.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module failed to parse the HL7 version 2.x message at the specified location.
Action: Correct the HL7 version 2.x message. See the Integration Server Error log for details.
0002.2030 I/O error during message serialization.
Explanation: Error. An I/O error occurs during the serialization of the XML encoded HL7 message.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0002.2031 Mismatch between expected message type:message_type and found message type: message_type
Explanation: Error. The message type in the HL7 version 2.x message does not match the message type of the messageType parameter of the parsing wm.ip.hl7.service:convertIDataToHL7 service.
Action: Ensure that the message type in the parsing service matches the value specified in the messageType input parameter. Retry the service.
0003.2000 Error during deserialization process.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module failed to process the HL7 version 2.x message.
Action: See the stack trace for this error message in the Integration Server Error log to establish the exact cause for the error.
0003.2010 Unable to deserialize message for node node_name (node_type) at node_path. error_reason.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module was not able to parse the message, due to validation issue at the specified node_path.
Action: Check the error_reason and correct the issue for the specified node_name.
0003.2014 Unable to determine the HL7 encoding. An HL7 message should start with MSH or <.
Explanation: Error. The input HL7 version 2.x message is incorrect, either because the MSH segment is missing, or the XML format of the HL7 message is not correct.
Action: Correct the HL7 version 2.x message and retry.
0003.2015 No '*body' element found in field: field_name. Ignoring data: field_data
Explanation: Error. The record field_name does not contain the *body element, required to set the data.
Action: Review the document type definition for the message, and ensure that the field_name is a leaf record and contains the element *body.
0003.2019 HL7 Segment separator not found. HL7 message will not be parsed.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module cannot parse the HL7 version 2.x message, because the message does not contain any of the \r, \n, or \r\n segment separators.
Action: Correct the HL7 version 2.x message and retry.
0003.2021 Error during MSH segment processing.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module failed to parse the HL7 version 2.x message because of an error in the MSH segment.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0003.2023 Mismatch between expected message type: expected_message_type and found message type: actual_message_type
Explanation: Error. The message type of the incoming HL7 version 2.x message does not match the user-specified version for the convertHL7ToIData service.
Action: Specify the correct message type in the convertHL7ToIData service input parameters.
0003.2024 Additional segment data found for message message_type. Unparsed segments: unrecognized_segments_number
Explanation: Warning. The HL7 version 2.x message contains one or more additional segments at the end of the message.
Action: HL7 Module ignores the additional data. Correct the HL7 version 2.x message where possible.
0003.2025 Additional subcomponent data found for component field_name. Data count: unrecognized_subcomponents_number
Explanation: Warning. The HL7 version 2.x message contains one or more additional subcomponents for the specified field at the end of the specified component.
Action: HL7 Module ignores the additional data. Correct the HL7 version 2.x message where possible.
0003.2026 Additional field data found for segment segment_nameand will be ignored. Data count: unrecognized_fields_number
Explanation: Warning. Additional field data was found at the end of the specified segment.
Action: HL7 Module ignores the additional data. Correct the HL7 version 2.x message where possible.
0003.2027 Additional component data found for field field_nameand will be ignored. Data count: unrecognized_components_number
Explanation: Warning. The HL7 version 2.x message contains one or more additional components at the end of the specified field.
Action: HL7 Module ignores the additional data. Correct the HL7 version 2.x message where possible.
0003.2028 Unable to find MSH segment in the message.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module could not identify the Message Header in the message. The MSH segment was not found.
Action: Ensure that the Message Header is formed correctly as required in the HL7 standards.
0003.2029 Error processing XML Stream at location: location_path
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module failed to parse the HL7 version 2.x message at the specified location.
Action: Correct the HL7 version 2.x message. See the Integration Server Error log for details.
0003.2030 I/O error during message deserialization.
Explanation: Error. An I/O error occurs during the deserialization of the XML encoded HL7 message.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0003.2044 Error creating HL7 XML writer. Error: error_text
Explanation: Error. Occurs while creating an instance of the XML Event Writer.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details. Ensure that you have STAX Implementation jar files (for example, sjsxp.jar) located in the IntegrationServer_directory\packages\WmHL7\code\jars directory.
0003.2046 Expected part_name Segment/Field not found. Remaining data in the message will not be parsed.
Explanation: Error. The required part_name field or segment is missing.
Action: Correct the HL7 version 2.x message and reprocess.
0003.2051 Error deserializing field: field_name. Error: error_text
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module failed to parse the specified field_name in the HL7 version 2.x message.
Action: Correct the HL7 version 2.x message. See the Integration Server Error log for details.
0003.2052 Unable to find message definition for deserializing Z segment: segment_name. Ignoring the segment: segment_data
Explanation: Error. A Z segment is present in the input HL7 version 2.x message but there is no corresponding definition for segment_name in the message scheme. HL7 Module ignores the segment data: segment_data.
Action: Add the definition for the Z segment with segment_name to the message scheme and retry after regenerating the message schemes in HL7 Module.
0003.2053 Missing data for mandatory field: field_name
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module could not find the specified mandatory field.
Action: Ensure that the mandatory field is specified.
0004.1003 NULL/empty value found for parameter: parameter_name
Explanation: Error. When sending the HL7 message, HL7 Module found an invalid value for the specified parameter.
Action: Ensure that valid values are specified for the input parameters. If all input parameters are valid, contact Software AG Global Support.
0004.1004 Invalid input found for parameter parameter_name. Value: parameter_value
Explanation: Error. The value of the input parameter to the service and the value implied from the input message do not match.
Action: Ensure that the input value for the specified parameter is correct.
0004.1012 Error occurred while parsing the pipeline content. Exception: error_message
Explanation: Error. An error occurred when parsing an HL7 version 2.x message received as a document by the HL7 Module receive service.
Action: Verify the input node that is passed in the pipeline.
0004.1014 Error extracting request data. Exception: error_text
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module has encountered an error during the processing of an incoming request.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0004.1016 No HL7 message found in E-mail.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module did not find an HL7 version 2.x message in an e-mail message received using the E-mail transport.
Action: Ensure that the HL7 version 2.x message is sent as an attachment and the name of the attached file contains hl7data.
0004.1020 Error sending response code 'Internal Error'. Exception: error_text
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module encountered an error while sending the HTTP response code 500.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0004.1021 Protocol "transport_protocol" specified by the user/auto selected by system is invalid. Set valid protocol explicitly in input or configure preferred protocol in the receivers TN profile.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module found that the specified transport protocol is incorrect or the preferred protocol for the receiver is either not set or not supported.
Action: Ensure that the protocol name passed to the service is valid and supported by HL7 Module. If the protocol is not passed to the service, ensure that the preferred protocol in the receiver Trading Networks profile is set and is one of the transports supported by HL7 Module.
0004.1031 Error retrieving internal IDs for ID: external_ID IDType: ID_Type. Exception: error_text
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module can not find the internal Trading Networks profile IDs for the specified external ID.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details about the error. Ensure that you have set up trading partner profiles for the specified external ID as described in Defining Trading Networks Profiles.
0004.1032 Internal ID not found for party message ID: message_ID
Explanation: Error. The incoming HL7 version 2.x message with message_ID for party, that is Sender or Receiver, that does not have corresponding trading partner profiles in Trading Networks.
Action: Set up trading partner profiles for the sender and receiver involved in the message exchange.
0004.1033 No partner profile found for corporation name: corporation_name and organizational unit: unit_name, and will treat the partner as Unknown.
Explanation: Warning. HL7 Module did not find a partner profile for the specified corporation_name and unit_name combination and will use the default Unknown profile.
Action: Ensure that you have a unique trading partner represented by the corporation_name and unit_name combination.
0004.1034 Multiple partner profiles found for corporation name: corporation_name and organizational unit: unit_name, will use partner ID partner_ID
Explanation: Warning. HL7 Module found multiple partner profiles for the specified corporation_name and unit_name combination and will use the first found partner_ID.
Action: Ensure that you have a unique trading partner represented by the corporation_name and unit_name combination.
0004.1050 Empty HL7 content data found in BizDocEnvelope with Internal ID: BizDocEnvelope_Internal_ID (Document ID: BizDocEnvelope_Document_ID)
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module was expecting a BizDocEnvelope with content part named "HL7 ER7 Data", but the content part is missing.
Action: Ensure that the specified BizDocEnvelope is valid and it has a content part named "HL7 ER7 Data" containing the HL7 message.
0004.1051 Error occurred during MLLP send operation. Exception: error_text
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module encountered an error when sending an HL7 version 2.x message via the MLLP protocol. The error occurred due to a network failure or an I/O Error because either the server, or the machine went down.
Action: Ensure that the destination host is reachable and there is no network outage.
0004.1052 Error occurred during MLLP client socket operation. Exception: error_message
Explanation: Error. A network error occurred while sending an HL7 version 2.x message via the MLLP port. The error occurred due to a network failure or an I/O Error because either the server, or the machine went down.
Action: Check if the network is enabled. Check the firewall settings. Ensure that the destination host is reachable and there is no network outage.
0004.1053 HL7 MLLP Client unable to get end-point information for profile: profile_name
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module can not find the details required to establish connection to the MLLP listener in the trading partner profile.
Action: Ensure that the trading partner profile is set up correctly as described in Defining Trading Networks Profiles. See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0004.1054 HL7 MLLP Client unable to connect to hostname@portnumber. Timed out after timeout_period milliseconds.
Explanation: Error. The error occurred while connecting to hostname@portnumber.
Action: Check if hostname@portnumber is available. Check the firewall settings.
0004.1060 Found invalid charset encoding charset_encoding in the incoming protocol header. Using encoding from TPA.
Explanation: Warning. The charset encoding specified in the incoming message header is not a valid Java charset encoding.
Action: Ensure that the client/HL7 partner who is sending a message has set the correct charset encoding.
0004.1100 The specified encoding in the input is invalid or not supported in Java. HL7 Module will use the default character encoding as "character_encoding"
Explanation: Warning. The charset encoding specified in the default "HL7TPA" HL7 TPA is invalid or not available.
Action: Ensure that a TPA named "HL7TPA" is created for Sender and Receiver "Unknown", and that the state of that TPA is set to "agreed". Also ensure that the "charsetEncoding" property is set in the HL7Configuration parameter in the TPA document.
0004.2051 Error while registering default HL7 TN document types. Exception: error_text
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module encountered an error when registering the default HL7 BizDocEnvelope types with Trading Networks during startup.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0004.2052 Error while registering default HL7 TN processing rules. Exception: error_text
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module encountered an error when registering the default HL7 processing rules with Trading Networks during startup.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0004.2053 Error while registering default HL7 BizDocEnvelope attributes. Exception: error_text
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module encountered an error when registering the default HL7 document attributes with Trading Networks during startup.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0004.2054 Error while registering MLLP transport service with Trading Networks. Exception: error_text
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module encountered an error while registering the HL7 MLLP delivery service during startup.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0004.4001 Error occurred while persisting the BizDocEnvelope. Error: error_text
Explanation: Error. Saving the BizDocEnvelope for an HL7 version 2.x message in the Trading Networks database has failed.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details. Ensure that the Trading Networks database is set up and the connection details properly configured. For information about configuring the Trading Networks database, see the webMethods Trading Networks Administrator’s Guide for your release.
0004.5001 Cannot process the incoming HL7 message. Received message is invalid HL7 message.
Explanation: Error. The received HL7 message is not valid as per the HL7 specification.
Action: Ensure that all required fields and components are present in the HL7 message with valid data.
0004.5003 Error generating acknowledgment receipt for message message_ID. Error: error_text
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module has encountered an error while generating an Acknowledgment message for an HL7 version 2.x message with message_ID.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0004.5005 Protocol to send Acknowledgment messages not found. Acknowledgment will not be sent for message message_ID
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module could not find a valid Trading Networks delivery method to send an Acknowledgement message.
Action: Specify a valid transport protocol in the TPA for the message exchange. Alternatively, set a Preferred Protocol in the Trading Networks partner profile as described in Configuring Communication Protocols.
0004.5007 Error dispatching acknowledgment for message message_ID. Error: error_message
Explanation: Error. The error occurred while sending the acknowledgement message.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0004.5008 Could not send the message.
Explanation: Error. Occurred while sending the HL7 message to the specified recipient.
Action: Ensure that the HL7 message is valid and the transport protocol is configured in the receiver partner profile, set explicitly in the send service, or a preferred valid delivery protocol is set in the TPA.
0004.5010 Error occurred while setting an HTTP response code.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module uses the pub.flow:setResponseCode service to set the response code for a received HTTP request after processing the request. Occurs when there is an error setting the HTTP response code.
Action: Contact Software AG Global Support.
0004.5012 "ACK" message generation failed.
Explanation: Error. Occurs when HL7 Module fails to generate the Acknowledgement message because an IS document is missing or any runtime error occurs while constructing an acknowledgement message.
Action: Ensure that an HL7 version specific IS document is generated and available.
0004.5013 Preferred protocol is not set for the receiver profile "Receiver_ID".
Explanation: Error. The preferred transport protocol is not set in the Trading Networks receiver partner profile.
Action: Ensure that a valid preferred protocol value is set for all receiver's Trading Networks profiles.
0004.5015 Invalid receiver ID: receiver_ID type: receiver_ID_type. No such partner profile exists in trading network.
Explanation: Error. This exception is thrown when trying to generate a BizDoc but the Receiver details specified in the enclosed HL7 message are invalid, that is they do not exist in the trading network profiles.
Action: Ensure that a partner profile entry exists in Trading Networks for the Receiver ID and Receiver ID type combination.
0004.6001 HL7 MLLP listener thread started up at port_number , but listener has invalid state. Listener STATE: status_value. Terminating listener thread.
Explanation: Warning. The specified MLLP listener failed to initialize.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details. Contact Software AG Global Support.
0004.6003 Error starting to listen: port_number
Explanation: Error. The specified port number is already in use.
Action: Specify a different port number and retry.
0004.6004 HL7 MLLP listener failed to open non-blocking listener port port_number. Listener stopped.
Explanation: Error. The MLLP listener failed to start.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0004.6007 I/O error during HL7 MLLP read/write operation at listener_name. Connection: client_information
Explanation: Error. An input/output error occurred while reading or writing data from/to the client connection.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details. Check for network failure. Contact Software AG Global Support.
0004.6011 I/O error occurred while trying to use the channel for connection: socket_connection
Explanation: Error. An input/output error occurred while writing data from the MLLP client connection.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0004.6012 Exception for connection: client_information
Explanation: Error. An exception occurred while the MLLP listener was receiving data from a client.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details. Check for network failure. Contact Software AG Global Support.
0004.6013 Error during HL7 MLLP listener (listener_name) execution: error_text
Explanation: Error. An exception occurred while the specified MLLP listener was running.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details about the exact nature of the error.
0004.6014 Error during HL7 MLLP listener (listener_name) cleanup. Exception: exception_text
Explanation: Error. Occurred while shutting down or disabling the MLLP listener when input and output operations are in progress.
Action: Before disabling the MLLP listener, make sure that no I/O operations are in progress by running the HL7 Module MLLP listener status service. For more information about the service, see the webMethods HL7 Module documentation.
0004.6019 HL7 MLLP listener startup request at port port_number ignored. Listener status: listener_status
Explanation: Warning. You attempted to start an MLLP listener that is not stopped.
Action: Check the status of the listener.
0004.6020 HL7 MLLP listener (listener_details) shutdown request ignored. Listener status: listener_status
Explanation: Warning. The listener is not running.
Action: Check the status of the listener.
0004.6021 HL7 MLLP listener ignored message from connection: client_name. Invalid protocol data found.
Explanation: Warning. The MLLP listener ignored an HL7 version 2.x message because it contained data that did not conform to the MLLP standard.
Action: Ensure that the HL7 version 2.x message send via the MLLP transport is a valid message.
0004.6029 HL7 MLLP listener task: task_name execution encountered error: error_text
Explanation: Error. An error occurred during the execution of the HL7 Module receive service in the task_name listener task.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0004.6031 HL7 MLLP listener cannot be added in package package_name. Set the package dependency of package_name to "WmHL7" package and retry.
Explanation: Error. The MLLP listener is created in a package with package_name that is not dependent on the WmHL7 package.
Action: Set the package dependency of the package_name package to the WmHL7 package.
0004.6033 Could not initialize MLLP listener. Invalid port specified: port_number
Explanation: Error. The specified port number is incorrect.
Action: Specify a valid value for the port number. Valid values for port numbers range from 1 to 65536. Retry.
0004.7000 Could not find TPA for message message_ID Receiver ID: receiver_ID Sender ID: sender_ID Agreement ID: agreement_ID
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module could not find a trading partner agreement associated with the HL7 version 2.x message with the specified ID.
Action: Create a TPA between the trading partners that take part in the message exchange and set the appropriate Agreement ID for the TPA, as described in Defining HL7 Trading Partner Agreements.
0004.7001 Error while creating a TPA for Sender ID: sender_ID Receiver ID: receiver_ID Agreement ID: agreement_ID
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module encountered an error when creating the trading partner agreement between trading partners sender_ID and receiver_ID.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0004.7002 Error while getting Delivery Method of the Sender. Error: error_text
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module could not find the Trading Networks delivery method of the sending partner when replying to an incoming message on the receiver side.
Action: Set up the required Trading Networks delivery method details of the sending trading partner as described in Configuring Communication Protocols. For more details about the error, see the Integration Server Error log.
0004.7003 Invalid TPA state found for sender ID: sender_ID, receiver ID: receiver_ID, agreement ID: agreement_ID. Expected: agreed Found: agreement_status
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module found the required trading partner agreement but its status is not Agreed.
Action: Set the TPA status to Agreed.
0004.7004 Error occurred while loading a TPA for Sender ID: sender_ID and Receiver ID: receiver_ID, using charset encoding as charset_encoding
Explanation: Warning. Unable to load the TPA or a TPA exists but it is not in agreed state.
Action: Ensure that an HL7 Module TPA exists between the specified Sender and Receiver and a valid charset encoding is set. If a partner specific HL7 Module TPA does not exist, the module uses the default HL7TPA.
0004.7006 Invalid encoding "charset_encoding" found for sender ID: sender_ID, receiver ID: receiver_ID, agreement ID: agreement_ID. Using charset encoding charset_encoding
Explanation: Warning. The charset encoding specified in the TPA is invalid.
Action: Ensure that the charsetEncoding parameter in the TPA is set and the encoding specified is a valid charset encoding
0005.1004 Invalid value found for parameter in method: method_name
Explanation: Error. The expected input for the specified methods is not present.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details and provide the required inputs.
0005.2000 Error in getting connection.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module could not get a connection from the datastore.
Action: Ensure that the JDBC connection pool is set up properly. See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0005.2001 Error in closing statement.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module could not close an SQL statement after execution.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0005.2002 Error in closing connection.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module could not close a connection after execution.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0005.3000 Line does not match expected format in code table data file and will be ignored: line_text
Explanation: Warning. A line in the code table TSV file does not match the following format: table_idTABtable_valueTABtable_value_description. HL7 Module ignores the line in the code table file.
Action: Re-enter the values in the line in the proper format. For information about the format of the TSV file, see Formatting the Code Tables File.
0005.3001 Error reading from code table file.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module encountered an input/output error when reading from the code table file.
Action: Ensure that the file is present at the required location when running the loadData service. For information about the service and the file location, see wm.ip.hl7.codetables:loadData.
0005.3002 Line does not match expected format in code table values data file and will be ignored: line_text
Explanation: Warning. A line in the code table values TSV file does not match the following format: table_idTABtable_valueTABtable_value_description. HL7 Module ignores the line in the code table values file.
Action: Re-enter the values in the line in the proper format. For information about the format of the TSV file, see Formatting the Code Tables File.
0005.3003 Error reading from code table values file.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module encountered an input/output error when reading from the code table values file.
Action: Ensure that the file is present at the required location when running the loadData service. For information about the service and the file location, see wm.ip.hl7.codetables:loadData.
0005.3004 Configuration file file_name not found.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module can not find the code tables TSV file.
Action: Ensure that the file is present in the Integration Server_directory\packages\HL7\data\codetables directory.
0005.3005 Unable to close configuration file.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module could not close the TSV file after processing.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0005.3006 Error reading line from database script file.
Explanation: Error. During execution of the wm.ip.hl7.codetables:runScripts service, HL7 Module encountered an input/output error when reading from the database script file.
Action: Ensure that the file is present at the required location when running the runScripts service. For information about the service and the file location, see wm.ip.hl7.codetables:runScripts.
0005.3007 Invalid Table ID: table_ID. Code table ID should be an integer between 1 and 9999.
Explanation: Error. The code table ID is invalid for the required code table operation.
Action: Enter the correct table ID and retry.
0005.3008 Code table name cannot be null.
Explanation: Error. Inserting a code table has failed because the value for the code table name was null.
Action: Enter the correct value for the code table name and retry.
0005.3011 Code table value cannot be null.
Explanation: Error. When inserting a code table, the code table value was null.
Action: Enter the correct value for the code table name and retry.
0005.3011 Code table value cannot be null.
Action: Enter the correct code table value and retry.
0005.3014 Code table ID cannot be null.
Explanation: Error. Inserting a code table has failed because the value for the code table ID was null.
Action: Enter the correct code table ID and retry.
0005.4000 Functional alias has not yet been set up.
Explanation: Error. The HL7 functional alias has not been configured.
Action: Configure the HL7 functional alias as described in Configuring the HL7 Module Database.
0005.4001 SQL error while retrieving the code tables.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module encountered an SQL error when retrieving the code tables from the HL7 Module database.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0005.4002 SQL error while retrieving the state of the HL7 Module database.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module encountered an SQL error when attempting to retrieve the current state of the HL7 Module database.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0005.4003 SQL error while updating the state of the HL7 Module database.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module encountered an SQL error when attempting to update the state of the HL7 Module database.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0005.4004 SQL error while retrieving the code table values.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module encountered an SQL error when attempting to retrieve the code table values from the HL7 Module database.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0005.4005 SQL error while inserting code tables.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module encountered an SQL error when attempting to insert the code tables in the HL7 Module database.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0005.4006 SQL error while deleting code tables.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module encountered an SQL error when attempting to delete the code tables in the HL7 Module database.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0005.4007 SQL error while inserting code table values.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module encountered an SQL error when attempting to insert the code table values in the HL7 Module database.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0005.4008 SQL error while deleting code table values.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module encountered an SQL error when attempting to delete the code table values in the HL7 Module database.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0005.4009 SQL error while performing rollback.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module encountered an SQL error when attempting to perform a rollback of the HL7 Module database.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0005.4010 Unable to rollback because the connection was null or was closed.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module encountered an error when attempting to perform a rollback of the HL7 Module database because the connection was either null, or closed.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0005.4011 SQL error while running the database scripts.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module encountered an SQL error when running the database scripts.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0005.4012 Data error in inserting values for code tables.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module failed to insert the data for code tables in the HL7 Module database.
Action: Retry and if the error persists, contact Software AG Global Support.
0005.4013 Data error in deleting code tables.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module failed to delete the data for code tables in the HL7 Module database.
Action: Retry and if the error persists, contact Software AG Global Support.
0005.4015 Data error in deleting code table values.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module failed to delete the data for code table values in the HL7 Module database.
Action: Retry and if the error persists, contact Software AG Global Support.
0005.4016 Error encountered when updating the database state.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module encountered an error when attempting to update the HL7 Module database, because the code tables and code table values data in the HL7 Module database is corrupted.
Action: Run the runScripts service in drop mode to clean up the database tables. After cleaning the database tables, run the runScripts service in create mode to re-create the database tables required by the HL7 Module database. For details about the service, see wm.ip.hl7.codetables:runScripts.
0005.4017 SQL error while trying to set the enabled/disabled flag for code tables.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module encountered an SQL error when attempting to set the enabled or disabled flag for code tables.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0005.4018 Data error in enabling or disabling code tables.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module failed to update the code tables data in the HL7 Module database.
Action: Retry and if the error persists, contact Software AG Global Support.
0005.4020 SQL error while retrieving partner details for the partner profile partner_name.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module encountered an SQL error when attempting to retrieve partner details from the specified trading partner profile.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0005.4021 SQL error while customizing partner profile partner_name.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module encountered an SQL error when attempting to customize a trading partner profile.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0005.4022 SQL error while customizing the code table: code_table_ID for the internal partner identifier internal_partner_ID.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module encountered an SQL error when attempting to customize a code table for a specific trading partner.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0005.4023 SQL error while removing customizing for the internal partner identifier internal_partner_ID.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module encountered an SQL error when attempting to remove customizing of a partner.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0005.4024 SQL error while removing the custom table: code_table_ID for the internal partner identifier internal_partner_ID.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module encountered an SQL error when attempting to remove a customized table for the specified trading partner.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0005.4025 SQL error while retrieving the list of customized partners.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module encountered an SQL error when attempting to retrieve the list of customized partners.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0005.4026 SQL error while retrieving the list of customized tables for partner profile partner_name.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module encountered an SQL error when attempting to retrieve the list of customized tables for the specified trading partner profile.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0005.4027 SQL error while checking if the partner/table is customized.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module encountered an SQL error when attempting to verify if customizing is enabled for a partner or a table is customized.
Action: See the Integration Server Error log for more details.
0005.5000 Database parameter value was not db2, oracle or sql.
Explanation: Error. The value for the database parameter of the runScripts service was other than db2, oracle, or sql.
Action: Enter the correct value for the database parameter of the runScripts service and retry. For details about the service, see wm.ip.hl7.codetables:runScripts.
0005.5001 Mode parameter value was not create, drop or cleanup.
Explanation: Error. The value for the mode parameter of the runScripts service was other than create, drop, or cleanup.
Action: Enter the correct value for the mode parameter of the runScripts service and retry. For details about the service, see wm.ip.hl7.codetables:runScripts.
0005.5002 Could not insert [table_ID] for partner: partner_name because the code table is already present.
Explanation: Warning. HL7 Module did not add a table to the partner_name partner because the table already exists in the specified partner code table set.
Action: None.
0005.5003 Could not insert [table_ID, value] for partner: partner_name because the code table is not present or it is not customized.
Explanation: Warning. HL7 Module failed to insert a code table value in the specified table for the selected partner_name. The error occurred either because the code table is not present in the HL7 Module database component, or the table is not enabled for customizing.
Action: Ensure that the code table is present in the HL7 Module database component and that the table is enabled for customizing.
0005.5004 Could not insert [table_ID, value] for partner: partner_name because the code table value is already present.
Explanation: Warning. HL7 Module did not insert the code table value in the specified table for the selected partner_name because the code table value is already present.
Action: None.
0005.6000 Code tables not configured. No validation was performed for Field atfield_path
Explanation: Warning. HL7 Module is not configured to manage code tables and it does not perform code table validation.
Action: If you have not configured HL7 Module to manage code tables deliberately, ignore this message. In all other cases, configure HL7 Module to manage tables as described in Configuring the HL7 Module Database and Managing HL7 Code Tables.
0005.6001 Code table code_table_ID was disabled. No validation was performed for Field atfield_path
Explanation: Warning. The code table with the specified code_table_ID is disabled and HL7 Module does not perform code table validation.
Action: If you disabled the code table with code_table_IDdeliberately, ignore this message. In all other cases, enable the code table as described in Enabling Code Tables.
0005.6002 Values for code table code_table_ID were empty. No validation was performed for Field atfield_path
Explanation: Warning. The code table with the specified code_table_ID did not have any code table values and HL7 Module could not perform code table validation.
Action: If you left the code table with code_table_ID empty deliberately, ignore this message. In all other cases, insert code table values in the code table with code_table_ID as described in Configuring the HL7 Module Database and Managing HL7 Code Tables.
0005.6003 Code table validation failed for Field:field_name.Data found: field_value.Table ID: table_ID
Explanation: Error. The value in the field with field_name does not match one of the predefined values in the code tables.
Action: If the field value in field_name is wrong, enter the correct value in the specified field. If the field value in field_name is correct, add it to the code table values.
0005.6500 Cannot upload code table values because the HL7 Module database is not configured.
Explanation: Error. HL7 Module failed to upload the code table values because the HL7 Module database is not configured.
Action: See Configuring the HL7 Module Database for information about how to configure the HL7 Module database.