HL7 Module 10.5 | Understanding and Using HL7 Module | Installing and Using HL7 Module | webMethods HL7 Module Services | WmHL7 Package | wm.ip.hl7.utils:generateMessageScheme
Generates related IS document types for the specified supported HL7 2.x message version, message types, and message scheme ID. The service performs the following operations:
Note:HL7 Module provides default XML schemas for the HL7 message definitions, supplied by the HL7 organization, for all supported HL7 message versions. The files are located in the Integration Server_directory\packages\WmHL7\data\xsd\wm.ip.hl7.docType\ vmessageVersion directory. For example, the default XML schemas for HL7 messages version 2.1 are located in the Integration Server_directory\packages\WmHL7\data\xsd\wm.ip.hl7.docType\ v21 directory.
If you use custom HL7 XML schemas, they must be located in the Integration Server_directory\packages\WmHL7\data\xsd\schemeID\vmessageVersion directory.
1. Parses the file with the message definitions for the specified HL7 message version and schemeID, and generates the IS document types for that version, message types, and message scheme.
2. Creates wrapper IS documents for the specified HL7 message types. Each wrapper IS document directly references the generated IS document corresponding to the selected message type.
Input Parameters
String The HL7 version for which the IS document types will be generated.
Valid values are:
2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.3.1, 2.4, 2.5, 2.5.1, 2.6, and 2.7.
String List Optional. List of valid HL7 messageTypes that belong to the specified messageVersion for which the IS document types will be generated.
If you do not specify a value for the messageTypes parameter, HL7 Module generates IS document types for all the HL7 message types valid for the specified messageVersion.
String Optional. The unique message scheme ID.
If you do not specify a message scheme ID, HL7 Module uses the default message definitions provided with the module.
Output Parameters
String Specifies whether the IS document types were created successfully.
Valid values are:
*true - The IS document type generation is successful.
*false - The IS document type generation operation has failed.
Document List Specifies whether any errors occurred during the XML Schemas processing.
Document List Specifies whether any warnings occurred during the XML Schemas processing.