Module for HIPAA 9.6.April 2016 | Understanding and Using HIPAA Module | Installing and Using HIPAA Module | Configuring the webMethods Module for HIPAA | Step 5: Create HIPAA Trading Partner Agreements | HIPAA Parameters
HIPAA Parameters
The following sections describe the parameters in the Interchange, Group, and Transaction sections of the TPA. The values for these parameters are specific to ANSI X12 standard document types:
Interchange Parameters
This section describes the parameters in the Interchange section of the TPA.
Specifies the value of ISA segment, element 12 (for example, 00501 for version 5010).
Specifies the value of ISA segment, element 06. For an Unknown sender, leave this field blank to use the default HIPAA TPA.
Specifies the value of ISA segment, element 05. For an Unknown sender, leave this field blank to use the default HIPAA TPA.
Specifies the value of ISA segment, element 08. For an Unknown receiver, leave this field blank to use the default HIPAA TPA.
Specifies the value of ISA segment, element 07. For an Unknown receiver, leave this field blank to use the default HIPAA TPA.
Specifies when to generate a technical acknowledgment:
*always-Default. Always generate the acknowledgment.
*never-Never generate the acknowledgment.
*error-Generate the acknowledgment only if there are errors during validation of input data.
*data-Generate the acknowledgment based on the data item. If there is no such item, this option is the same as always.
Perform the Retry functionality when:
1. The sender sends a message.
2. If the sender does not receive a response within 90 seconds, then a first attempt to send a duplicate message is initiated.
3. If the sender does not receive a response within 90 seconds, then a second attempt to send a duplicate message is initiated.
4. If the sender does not receive a response within three minutes, then a duplicate message is sent every three minutes for five times.
5. If the sender does not receive a response after five attempts, then stop the retry.
Abort sending duplicate messages after five attempts or if the sender receives a response.
CORE Parameters
This section describes the parameters in the CORE section of the TPA.
Specifies the URL to which the HIPAA CORE messages are sent.
Specifies the response timeout for any real time request received by the trading partner. The default value is 20000 milliseconds or 20 seconds.
If this parameter is not set in HIPAA TPA, the default value will be used.
Specifies a custom service for processing or generating the response for a core request. This parameter, if specified, is invoked using the wm.estd.hipaa.util:invokeResponseService service.
Group Parameters
This section describes the parameters in the Group section of the TPA.
Specifies when to generate a functional acknowledgment:
*always-Default. Always generate the acknowledgment.
*never-Never generate the acknowledgment.
*error-Generate the acknowledgment only if there are errors during validation of input data.
Specifies when to generate an implementation acknowledgment:
*always-Default. Always generate the acknowledgment.
*never-Never generate the acknowledgment.
*error-Generate the acknowledgment only if there are errors during validation of input data.
Specifies the value of GS segment, element 08.
Type only those version numbers that are related to the control version defined in the Interchange parameter. For example, if the Interchange parameter ControlVersion is set to 00501, select version numbers that start with "00501". Be careful not to have multiple configurations for the same version or validation will fail.
Transaction Parameters
This section describes the parameters in the Transaction section of the TPA. You must create an entry for each type of transaction.
Add only those transactions that are related to the version number specified in the Group parameter VersionNumber. For example, if VersionNumber is set to 005010X279, you can add transactions 270 and 271.
Specifies the transaction number. Valid values are 270, 271, 276, 277, 278-Req, 278-Res, 820, 834, 835, 837, and 999.
Specifies the type of acknowledgment to generate and when to generate it:
*always-Default. Always generate the acknowledgment.
*never-Never generate the acknowledgment.
*error-Generate the acknowledgment only if there are errors during validation of input data.
Acknowledgment document types are:
*277A (generated for 837 transactions)
The 277A acknowledgement is set to never- by default. Change the value to always- to generate acknowledgements.
webMethods Module for HIPAA does not generate 277A acknowledgments if there are errors during validation of input data.
Specifies the directory path to the schema. If this parameter is not specified, the module uses the schema specified in the Integration Server_directory\instances\instance_name\packages\WmHIPAA\resources\schema directory.
Specifies the fully qualified name of the IS document created from the schema specified in schemaPath. If this parameter is not specified, the module uses the IS documents in the HIPAAschema directory of the module.
Specifies the severity settings to use for validation. For details, see Severity Definition Parameters, below.
Severity Definition Parameters
The Severity Definition section of the TPA defines the error severity categories and their names and values. The following table describes the parameters for configuring the error severity of WEDI-SNIP certification types. Using My webMethods, you can add a new row for each of the seven HIPAA validation levels, to customize error severity definitions for each validation level.
Specifies the HIPAA validation level for which to define error severity settings. Possible values are 1 through 7. For detailed explanations of each validation level, see HIPAA Validation Levels.
Specifies the severity of the error:
*Ignore-Accept input data, generate an acknowledgment. Do not log an error in the reports.
*Information-Accept input data and generate an acknowledgment. Log error in reports as severity, "Information."
*Warning-Accept input data with error(s) and generate an acknowledgment. Log error in reports as severity, "Warning."
*Error-Reject input data, generate an acknowledgment. Log the error in the reports as severity, "Normal."
Specifies custom error message text to display along with the default message in the report.
Specifies the error IDs associated with the validation level, severity, and custom error message in the report.