Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Transaction Handling | Configuration Parameters for the Transaction Manager
Configuration Parameters for the Transaction Manager
The transaction store reacts to the following configuration parameters, which can be set in the file <install_dir>\config\server.cnf or per routing/RFC listener or on the notification level for a local Transaction Store and for a Centralized Transaction Store Server only. Some of these settings influence the performance of the transaction store.
The transaction store performance will influence the general performance of Integration Server depending on the transactional throughput, that is, size of the docs and docs per second.
*On each RFC Listener and on the routing listener you can set field "Store message body" to "On" or "Off".
If this parameter is set to "Off", Adapter for SAP does not save the message body of incoming transactions.
*On each RFC Listener and on the routing listener you can set field "Log transaction status" to "On" or "Off".
If this parameter is set to "Off", Adapter for SAP does not maintain any transaction and status information in the transaction store.
*On each ALE Notification and for the Routing Notification you can set field "Monitor IDocs" to "On" or "Off".
If this parameter is set to "On", Adapter for SAP links the IDoc packet's TID with the DOCNUMs of the IDocs in that packet, so that later ALE IDoc Monitoring is possible. See Using the ALE Monitoring Features Via Adapter for SAP for more information.
This property specifies how often Adapter for SAP will flush the unsaved changes in the transaction cache to the file system. The default is 2 seconds; the maximum allowed value is 100 seconds. If a transaction in the cache has been modified (for example: new state or new audit log), it will be persisted to the transaction store after "cacheFlushPeriod" has expired and no further modifications have happened. After that, the transaction remains in the cache until the "cacheTimeToLive" period has expired, or longer if it was modified again.
For a Centralized Transaction Store, Adapter for SAP automatically limits the cache flush period to .2 seconds.
The transaction cache works both as a read and a write cache. After a transaction is read the first time, it is kept in the cache for the amount of time specified in cacheTimeToLive. The default is 50 seconds; the maximum allowed value is 500 seconds. If the transaction is not accessed during this time, it is removed from the cache after this period has ended. This keeps the cache from growing indefinitely.
For a Centralized Transaction Store, Adapter for SAP automatically limits the cache time-to-live period to .2 seconds.
This property, when set to "true", enables the synchronous write cache and when set to "false" disables the cache. This property works together with the and Setting this feature to "true" will force the transaction manager not to persist each update of a transaction but will keep the state changes in memory and persist it periodically.
For a Centralized Transaction Store, you cannot set this parameter to "true".