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Configuring a Shared Transaction Store
Use the following instructions to configure a Shared Transaction Store Server.
Perform this procedure for each Adapter for SAP in the adapter group. If one of the adapters is configured to CTS, follow the instructions described in To migrate the CTS configuration into an STS configuration.
*To configure the Shared Transaction Store
1. Create a directory with write access in the file system which can be accessed by all the adapters for SAP in the adapter group.
For improved reliability, this directory can be located on a high-available NAS
2. Set the configuration switch to the directory in step 1.
3. From Integration Server Administrator, click Settings > Extended.
4. Click Edit Extended Settings.
In the Extended Settings editor, add or update the property to the location of the directory created in Step 1.
For example, to set \\tsclient\D\sharedStore directory as Shared Transaction Store, specify:\\tsclient\D\sharedStore
5. Click Save Changes.
The property appears in the Extended Settings list.
6. Restart Integration Server.
After Integration Server restart, Adapter for SAP will use the specified external directory as STS.
If the specified directory does not exist or if it is not writable, an error message will be logged during adapter startup and Adapter for SAP will use the default Local Transaction Store instead.
To disable STS configuration and switch back to Local Transaction Store, remove the property in Extended Settings and restart Integration Server.