Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Transaction Handling | Shared Transaction Store | To migrate the CTS configuration into an STS configuration
To migrate the CTS configuration into an STS configuration
The Central Transaction Store configuration is deprecated and should be changed into a Shared Transaction Store configuration.
1. Create a directory with write access in the file system which can be accessed by all the adapters for SAP in the adapter group. For improved reliability, this directory could be located on an external high-reliability NAS.
2. For all Adapter for SAP in the adapter group, set the configuration switch to the directory created in the above step.
The switch can be set in Integration Server Administrator. Click Settings > Extended > Edit Extended Settings.
In the Extended Settings editor, add property to specify the shared directory.
Click Save Changes. The property appears in the Extended Settings list.
3. Remove the CTS configuration as described in Removing the Configuration of a Centralized Transaction Store for each CTS client in the adapter group. Then shut down all the CTS client adapters.
4. Remove the CTS configuration as described in Removing the Configuration of a Centralized Transaction Store for the CTS server. Then shut down the CTS server adapter.
5. Copy the complete contents of packages_directory\WmSAP\txStore directory of the CTS server adapter to the directory created in Step 1.
6. Restart all the adapters for SAP in the adapter group. The adapters will now use the STS located in the directory created in step 1.