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Removing the Configuration of a Centralized Transaction Store
If you no longer want a particular Adapter for SAP to use the Centralized Transaction Store (CTS), you can remove or rename the adapter's Remote Server with alias SAPGroupStore by following the instructions in this section.
If you remove the Remote server for Adapter for SAP that is a CTS Client, the CTS Server will display that particular client's status as Inactive in the adapter's Settings page. After reloading the WmSAP package or restarting the Integration Server, Adapter for SAP, the adapter will use its local Transaction Store to persist transaction information.
Is is recommended that you do not remove the CTS Server. However, if you do remove the alias for Adapter for SAP that is the CTS Server, none of the CTS Clients will be able to process any transactions and a message is displayed on the console indicating that the CTS Server is not accessible. When Adapter for SAP that is configured as a CTS client cannot connect to the CTS Server during startup, an error message is displayed, the adapter will only be partially loaded, and transactions are not persisted.
Do not remove or rename the Remote Server Alias for SAPGroupStore while Adapter for SAP is still processing messages. Otherwise the transaction status of these messages could be lost or become invalid.
*From Adapter for SAP that you want to remove from the CTS
1. In the Settings menu in the Integration Server Administrator navigation area, click Remote Servers.
2. On the Remote Servers screen, click for the Remote Server Alias of Adapter for SAP that you no longer want to use the CTS.
Adapter for SAP removes the Remote Server Alias.
3. Reload the WmSAP Package.
The affected Adapter for SAP does not register itself with the CTS server during adapter start-up, and will now use its local Transaction Store instead of the CTS to persist all transactions. By doing so, the adapter is effectively no longer part of the logical group of adapters.