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Prepare Adapter for SAP for IDoc Trace
To set up Adapter for SAP for IDoc tracing proceed along the following steps:
1. For your routing notification or ALE adapter notification you want to monitor IDocs, set the value for field "Monitor IDocs" to "On" using Digital Event Services.
2. For each SAP system from which you want to receive and trace IDocs, create an RFC adapter notification for IDOC_DATE_TIME_GET and assign service
Depending on how Adapter for SAP processes the IDoc it receives, different information will be returned. By default, the creation date and time at the receiving system and the status will be returned. If the IDoc will not be forwarded to another SAP system, Adapter for SAP is the receiving system.
However, if the IDoc is forwarded to an SAP system (either by invoking a routing notification with outbound transport set to ALE or by invoking or directly or from a remote Integration Server) Adapter for SAP invokes IDOC_DATE_TIME_GET directly against the receiving SAP system. This action returns additional information, like the IDoc number, from the receiving SAP system. All remote Integration Servers that receive IDocs via a remote invocation of should therefore also support IDoc Tracing.