Adapter for SAP 10.1 | webMethods Adapter for SAP Documentation | webMethods Adapter for SAP Installation and User’s Guide Documentation | Routing Messages Through Adapter for SAP | Routing Arbitrary XML Documents Through the > Routing/Mapping | Configuring the Inbound Process Mechanism of the XML Transport
Configuring the Inbound Process Mechanism of the XML Transport
*To configure the Inbound Process mechanism of the XML transport
1. Create an inbound routing info service for your XML transport. It extracts all required parameters so that the routing listener can handle the request.
2. After having implemented a service, you must make it known to the XML transport. Go to the Adapters > Adapter for SAP > Routing/Mapping page.
3. Follow the link Register New User Exit Service and then select XML Routing Info.
4. Provide the full service name in the input field, and click Register:
5. Now you are ready to do routing using XML Inbound Process for arbitrary XML documents.